What is this premise that he’s not sure about he is haruto? I’m sure that the two merged themself and he says clearly that he is haruto and rio at the same time at the start or am I bugging?
Thanks for the long years that you guys spent translating this, I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it.
disappointing to see you end the TL(but then again releases where too slow), now we'll have to wait for some other group to continue or i'll be forced to go to shoddy aggregators.
i'm not going to buy anything and i don't care about "official" releases
The official translations are already caught up, and you can probably view them on some sites (which may be shady)(hope it's there on MangaFire, but idk if MangaFire will aggregate the official translations or not)
So... Anime leaves out about ⅔ of the story, which is why I read the manga (which usually leaves out about ⅕ of the WN, which leaves out ⅓ of the LN...).
That said, I'd like to know if the Official is anywhere near as good as this TL?
Because if it's a choice between some "7Seas" bullshit, or a scanlator who really cares about the work...? Well, that's not even a choice; I'll support a group on Dex long before trying to read some hack-job bullshit that seems specifically designed to make English-speaking audiences despise the title.
According to professional editors I have worked with, some manga publishers actually do an intentionally poor job at translation to ensure the title will not be sold outside of Japan; their belief is that manga is ONLY Japanese, and only for Japanese audiences, and they do a shit job to justify not continuing to publish English translations.
Yes, I know that sounds stupid, but... if you think this is too idiotic, i will remind you that some people actually voted for Trump; like on purpose.
So don't pretend people don't do really fucking stupid things that only hurt themselves, solely for the reasons of ego and revenge...