So much wasted time. Should've just gone and killed them in their hut, so nobody will be the wiser. Especially since he'll have to do it anyways, so might as well do it somewhere where no-one is able to see...
@Siikalahna I assume he doesn't want to be the aggressor. They are assholes, yes, but if that was an offense worthy of death, then there would be A LOT fewer people in the world because people are an asshole at some point in their lives. Emotions, like anger and frustration, can do that. A temporary thing, but something that can make someone an asshole temporarily as well.
BUT... if they were to attack and try to cause their deaths? All bets would be off at that point. Remember, Lawful Good doesn't mean Lawful Nice.
@Siikalahna I know you hating the dumbass, me too but he is still another village chief's son.
So far he didn't do anything that warrant death yet, MC done setup precaution measures so I bet he will get caught red handed.
Here's a prediction: the fatass bastard is going to make trouble, Rio's interfered, then they're going to falsely accuse Rio in the end for some bullshit for revenge, then he's going to get exiled yet again, as usual.