this guy is denser than water itself.its unbelievable as to how he keeps on doing this every time. Why can't he at least try not to make girls cry every time. Heck, what's the Harem tag for? if he's just going to break up with them a few months later.
@Cyoteblack ikr. When ur thinking of revenge, romance is highly questionable 😂.
Plus, these girls are the ones falling in love on their own. The worse is Sayo for me. The amount of interaction between them is so little, when did she fall in love exactly? And then she's there crying like a baby when she has not even made an effort to even tell him her feelings. But truthfully, I honestly hope she'll be brave in the future. He's not her knight in shinning armour destined to save her and be hers alone. Plus mc is still looking for his childhood friend too right? Girls, the bravest one takes the cake 🎂.
he isn't dense, he has just been a nice guy, he hasn't expend much time in that village, and his priority is revenge, and he has his "little sister" latifa back in the spirits village.
He does figure things like this out, but wayyyyy later in the story.
But yeah, he's dense af right now.
Komomo drawn like a super drunk loli party girl in almost every scene cracks me up.
@Meskie The only thing I can really say towards that is these girls don't have a lot of exposure (no pun intended) to guys. So when they run into one that is as "dreamy" as Rio is supposed to be, they immediately go, "he's the one!" because the only other guys they have to compare him to are their brothers and that rapist jackass from the next town over.
@ClarkDePio on page 11, you said “Fiance”, the word is actually “Fiancée” if you’re referring to a woman and “Fiancé” if you’re referring to a man. The accent on the E effects the pronunciation