Sekai Saikyou no Kouei: Meikyuukoku no Shinjin Tansakusha - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - The Unexplored Area

Dex-chan lover
Jul 14, 2019
Freaking Azir showed up. Also artist making sure Theresa's booty is on point in every shot.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2019
Unlucky landing after rescued from stray shot. Is she really fine with luck based class?


Double-page supporter
Apr 2, 2019
I. Hate. Misaki. All the wrong tropes condensed to a singularity of absolute worst plot contrivance generator of a character. If there was a god such people would be burned at the stake, but alas - the world portrayed in this manga is apparently one that god has forsaken if he allows such an existence to continue.
Aggregator gang
Dec 24, 2018
Misaki really should look for another kind of job, the only thing she does is almost die in every adventure, she can't even give any buffs to the party, like really, what is her contribution to the party ?
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Jun 8, 2019
"Misaki really should look for another kind of job, the only thing she does is almost die in every adventure, she can't even give any buffs to the party, like really, what is her contribution to the party ?"

Lucky dice rolls?
Sep 18, 2019
Imagine if this was a gag manga like Konosuba and his ability was making an indestructible shield on his allies butts. And they go through the story learning new ways to fight using their butt.
Active member
Sep 28, 2020
finaly 13 chapters in and finally the damn mc has a basic understanding of tactics...
i say basic because if it was intermediate then the loli gambler wouldnt have been thrown on the teleporter

he is still a pathetic wuss and a sacrificial hero mc
so i honestly hope he sacrifices himself soon and hard i mean beyond all hope hard, maybe human teresa and demi human arihito are the better combo
Double-page supporter
Oct 19, 2020
Stop acting badass, spear bitch. You're probably the most or second most useless member of that party. And seriously you NEED to kick that flat chested moron out of the party. She is so not worth the hassle.
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2023
I agree that Manager Girl is a useless, annoying character and her only good point is her body, but I like Gambler Girl and find her funny, so will defend her.

In my opinion, Gambler Girl ability will affect drop rate and also affects the events of the story, in other words, her class might be a physical manifestation of the absurd and rare events that only happens to the protagonist party and allows them to discover hidden places full of OP treasures.

- Her reckless behavior led to her capture which kickstarted a chain of events: Archer Girl fled to the 1º floor on the EXACT MOMENT the MC was inspecting the door. This led to Sword Girl and Archer Girl joining MC party and killing the boss thanks to the COINCIDENCE of MC being the perfect counter to the boss physical immunity. The event made them rich and full of prestige to the point the party got a quick promotion ON THE SECOND DAY.

- Her reckless action of using her special move together with the Archer Girl was the only reason they found this hidden dungeon since her special guarantee a 100% success rate to the next special move. And since no one was going to enter the teleport device, her luck acted once again to force the party enter dungeon before anyone else did got the treasures. We all know that they'll face a strong hidden boss and get OP treasures on top of another promotion ON THE THIRD DAY.

Remember guys, its only three or four days since those people reincarnated to this world and the MC is already rich, got many strong items, got a harem full of beautiful girls, got a rank promotion and Sword girl finally found a big party that will accept her and rescue her friend and its all thank to Gambler Girl being reckless.

So praise Gambler Girl sama you heretics.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Like I get they are inexperienced until you remember theres a lvl8 with them, notice how the experienced one didn't mention jack dick about the chameleon until part way into the fight. If I knew a level could have a invisible enemy I'd let people know from the word go on leaving to go to said dungeon.

Also Gambler girl being used constantly as a plot crutch is both annoying and her personality isn't funny. It's just cringe and sucks any comedy a scene could have had.

Lastly why do all these series have to have an early enemy thats completely invisible that would just TPK everyone at such low levels so how the heck do they even get past this "beginner" area.

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