then she wouldn't have a staff to cast it thoughWhy simply not unequip before using magic?
She cast small ice at the slime without a staff. She really should have unequipped the staff before trying to start a fire, but it's not like she expected the result she got. Keeping it equipped to cast small ice to put out the fire was reasonable though. It'd only really be foolish to try and cast a spell intending it to be weak with it still equipped in the future.then she wouldn't have a staff to cast it though
Damn this manga has a lot of potential for meme templates. Here is my favorite on this chapter
I'd be more worried she might stumble upon a doujin site. Imagine if this world is actually a JRPG and she is an actual NPC the player can interact with. The horror she will see if she is a tag on such a site.QUICK, DON'T LET HER OPEN TWI- X!!