I get it's what japanese think aristocracy is like, but just dropping someone off in the middle of nowhere is kinda... too much...
Japan had its own aristocracy at one point, I think still does to some extent.
That is what their stuff is usually based on, as they know what theirs were like, and how Asian parents are like now.
That does beg the question: Why is S/SS/SSS above A?
Are you new to Manga??? this is decades old tropes at this point.
School grades in Japan, with the extra S's (SS and SSS) coming from video games.
Handing a child a nuke launcher w/o supervision, good job breaking the world, goddess
To be fair, her skill is the issue.
IIRC she is in the world of a video game, and the NPCs (like her) have a cap on the quality/level of skill they can obtain.
They do not know about S rank skills because those are supposed to be player only. .