Uh... Isn't "the last one" about the Ashikabi? I assumed if the Ashikabi won, his Sekirei won, be it 1 or 6. But translation of the first like 70 chaps was iffy as fuck...
Still, it's stupid. An Ashikabi gets 2 Sekirei, they help each other to protect their Ashikabi and bring him/her to victory...only to then fight each other? Or worse, have the Ashikabi decide who to discard?
@txtracer There is one thing to mention, tho (which doesn't really apply in this manga, but still). The official translation is not always better. Tower of God comes to mind.
I'd rather read a good illegal translation, and buy the books in Jap (which also gives more money to the author) than buy a bad official (legal) translation. But if they do this...
Then again, if they do this it's not a good translation, so. As I said, doesn't apply here, but still something to consider.