Thanks for the chapter!
The Bomberman reference on page 11 was really funny, especially with that expression of horror on his face. While it is disappointing he doesn't really want to help people but he still went even if it was only because he was doing a favor for someone from the brothel. Yes it would be good if he did some charity but he'd end up for another black company if he stood out too much with the healing and potions and someone wanted to squeeze him for as much profit as possible with as little compensations as possible. After all, there are a whole bunch of stories about healers going around helping people and either end up living poorly because it's expected to receive and repay their service for little more than thanks or some black villain uses various, and extremely illegal methods, to force them to do their bidding.
Poor guy, being with werewolves in heat is likely to drain him to the brink of death if runs into any more of them. Considering he doesn't seem to be too muscular and only does bed exercises I wonder what about him makes them go so wild?
Btw, considering that patch was barren why are there other plants other than the one he just planted? Would be interesting if got additional effects or boosts if mixed the remove status abnormality and heal potions into the water (assuming they mix well without blowing up literally or turning into something toxic.)