Semantic Error - Ch. 14

Group Leader
Feb 6, 2019
In my eyes, you lost your chance. It's real hard to come back after that level of harassment—and apparently it doesn't even seem to be a full week! I came for the BL but I'm finding myself wanting him to be with that girl Kim more and more...
Jul 17, 2020
JJY is so effed up. Using science (he's using behavior modification theory ffs) to emotionally torture people is the lowest of low. I know he'll fall in love with Sangchu but damn he's a SCUMBAG.
May 17, 2020
Harassment-as-romance is a really popular subgenre in BL. The most infuriating thing about it is there never seems to be any self-reflection in the harasser at all.

While it's nice and slightly less suffocating that there seems to be some self-reflection here but he doesn't care one bit about how CSW feels at all. Everything is about him and what he gains and how he's seen like CSW's feelings don't matter at all. In fact, he's only reflecting because he's not completely satisfied with the results.

There's something so arrogant about thinking you should be noticed by someone and you'll make them suffer (negative experience) if they don't notice you. The fact that he can calmly think those thoughts without any kind of realization about what kind of person he is :/

He's doing this because he likes him and that's how everything will probably be cleaned up in the end.
May 17, 2018
So glad that I don’t even need to comment anything...reading these comments is restoring my trust in humanity
Apr 27, 2019
dude he didn't even notice you he noticed the red...
red like the blood that's gonna spill when i split your head in half you fucker
Active member
Mar 12, 2019
@minyang6112 what are you talking about? Using “science” to “emotionally torture” someone? U make is sound like he is doing these big complicated strategies to manipulate him, but the theory u stated is literally the most fundamental of cognitive behavior. Everyone uses it to some degree to get what they want
Jul 17, 2020
@pinkeree as far as I know behavior is studied in psychology and psychology is part of social science. I'm coming from third world country where attending a college is still considered as privilege. In my country psychology is studied in college only and using knowledge from attending college is like using privilege.
Emotionally torture coz Sangchu is emotionally suffering. I use word suffer coz that's what I perceive from reading Sangchu's reaction toward JJY's action. As far as I know suffer means:
Active member
Mar 12, 2019
@minyang6112 Yeah Sangchu is definitely suffering from the sunbae’s actions, but the way you worded it seemed as if he plotted it all out like a mastermind, but he stated it himself that he didn’t know it’d end up this bad. While psychology can be something taught only in colleges for some places, it’s concepts are still universal. So people use it without even knowing they use it, even without attending college.
Group Leader
Aug 20, 2019
I know mangadex's comment section are lame, didn't know it could go any lower here. Just drop this and stop whining. Anyway thanks for the multiple update!
Jul 17, 2020
@pinkeree how I worded my perception about fiction should not be your concern. You sound like forcing your opinion to me. If you disagree with person's opinion, let them be. Leave me alone and let me enjoy this fiction and enjoy reading whatever redemption road JJY will take in the near future.
Active member
Jul 30, 2018
This chapter was really good. It shows a change in both characters perception (as how the other is perceived by the other), little instant of understanding (I guess, at this point, this would be unpopular opinion but as for me, it is a development lead to a potential positive future for their romantic development...
Sep 9, 2019
Hoho he wants to be an amazing sunbae...i think the train is just about full and ready to depart in a bit 🤣
May 17, 2020
@pinkeree But he did do exactly that. We even saw YYJ spending his time talking to anyone who might know CSW's patterns of behaviours. Which btw we all have. He did "mastermind" a plan to make CSW suffer. Using psychology and individualized research because he's a very gifted student at the most prestigious university in his country. He didn't accidentally find the perfect way to make CSW suffer. I'm not trying to give you a hard time but that's literally the story. How well it worked has no bearing on JJY's initial calculations.

@minyang6112 Everything you said was astute and I enjoyed your insight the first time I read
Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2019
Not enjoying this type of harrassment. There are forms of it that can come across as cute and endearing, like when middle school kids don't quite know how to get the attention of someone they like so they sort of physically paw at them, or annoy them in small ways. This is just straight up stalking and the dude is a huge creep. Instead of just getting over his bullshit butthurt feelings from failing a class that he didn't even attend or do any work on the project for he's going whole hog with being a bitch.
Dec 11, 2019
Hoping Red jacket dude will actually self reflect on his weird stalker actions and apologize sincerely and at length for being a creep before he gets any further in his delusion of being an “amazing and fun sunbae” to a guy he’s harassed to the point that he runs away after catching a glimpse of him

I mean, I think anyone can agree that whether he masterminded the harassment or not, getting someone to run away at a sprint after seeing you in a crowd means something has gone Very Wrong

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