Wanted to chime in with my thoughts on this chapter - I personally felt this was the best chapter of the anthology. The theme of abandonment, being rich in belongings but poor in spirit, and taking love, parental, familial love especially, for granted.
As someone who's bad with people, bad with navigating social interactions and likes to keep to themselves (which is why I'm a solo scanlator), it's natural for me to push people away. But reading this, I'm reminded there are people who don't have people that care for them. So this definitely struck a personal chord.
It might also be because I was rewatching Mawaru Penguindrum recently (yes, everything comes back to anime), which heavily revolved around abandonment and familial ties in a more dramatic and symbolic way.
Anyway, there's two more chapters to go (the next really isnt a full length, so really it's one-and-a-half). Hopefully I'll be done by the end of the week.
edit: As an addendum, the characters are all speaking 関西弁. What variety, I don't know - I don't live in Japan, just know the hallmark idiosyncracies associated with it.
For example, when Mizuki says "I only need you, Sensei," she says:
I'm not sure what the analogue is in English, or relative to my English dialect (if you can guess what that is.) Rather than mess up the script trying to sound like I come from somewhere I'm not, I've written the dialogue using what I consider "normal" English.
As another note: Aside from shittalking Mizuki, Mizuki's brother lets off on the accent after hearing Akutsu is a teacher. That or the formal address isn't too different from Standard Japanese.