next time freaking ping me so i can respond.
My bad, but you seem obfuscated enough to check this anyways, so is not like that matter much.
Again with the stramanning, youre claim was the legal system in japan screws the life of rape victims
Address it with statistics.
First of all you don't know how statistical studies work, proof:
and then it only addresses it on college campuses, How the hell do you want to apply this enviroment to everything?
They are called statistical samples, they exist because statistical investigators don't have access to the totality of a population, so they have to use a representation of a population, a sample, studies that don't use samples but the totality of a population can only be done by the estate or with extremely small populations, and are known as population censuses (which is what you keep linking, and i keep telling you is irrelevant), which don't cover most themes in life, at all.
For themes like these, the perception and attitudes toward rape victims, and the negligence of the state, you can't make a census, is close to impossible (plus there's also the small detail that the census doesn't tells you why something happens, it is just raw data), but you can make an investigation using a population sample, in this case with Japanese college students as your representative sample of a Japanese population, which then is randomized to avoid cherry picking individuals and keep away bias, as to how those findings can be generalized to the rest of the population they have to deal with the validity of the study, which depends on the methodology used which was good enough for them to get their paper published in Sage Journals.
Second of all, and i agree completely with you here, i did show evidence only of how society victimizes the victims of rape, but not of the evidence for how the legal system neglects them, that's true, but that doesn't means that the problem doesn't exist, nor that there is a lack of evidence for it, by no means:
BTW while i am on the topic i do think the news articles i shared before addressed the problem, how the legal system doesn't properly address the victims, but you ignored them for whatever reason, even when they document and denounce the same problem you want to ignore it because they are not statistics, however here's a convenient news article from the Japantimes, it has census data on reported and unreported rape, is from 2017, it mentions the very recent update to the Japanse sex crime law which also happened just last year, which alone is already an evidence of negligence on part of the sate, the article also has proper sources and links to them, and most importantly it shows how negligent, inefficient, unwilling and just unsatisfactory the system is in regards to the victims:
However, in regards to the last part, i can already see you disregarding most of it, because the second part is not about census data, and mostly about cases studies, because for your entitled self that is not a documentation of a problem, nor is sufficient evidence, so it must not exist and be just a small anoyance right? it is the fault of the victims that they are letting the rape go unreported right? they don't have to deal with anything with just taking legal action, so if they don't do it, it has to be entirely their fault right?. Well no, that's what i have been trying to tell you.
Hold up here, I called him a coward, but i never dismissed his position, I aknowledge he was harrased, but not taking action after being harrased is the reason i called him a coward, I went to look into the matter a bit more and it seems he never even named the producer until AFTER he got an apology letter, and HE STILL DIDNT PRESS CHARGES!
Oh man, there are various things wrong with you, among them you ability to research, his name came around way before the letter of apology (a letter that came on this year 2018), but he has been denouncing him name and all since last year 2017 https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/terry-crews-details-alleged-sexual-assault-by-wmes-adam-venit-1058506 and the crime itself happened on 2016, so it took Crews a year to take legal action.
He did press charges but the law didn't took his case because too much time had passed: https://globalnews.ca/news/4070149/terry-crews-sexual-assault-case-rejected/ which is bullshit and is something that mostly applies the world over, i say mostly because some places don't have a statue of limitations on rape, but that's not the norm, and Crews was not in one of those places, but it is typical of you to ignore this and blame Crews instead, so not only did he press, not only did he reveal the name of his assaulter, he was in a place that didn't cover his needs as a victim, and you keep once again slandering his name, now imagine if he was a woman, the things you would creatively say to put the blame on them.
In your head it seems like rape is like a mugging, and thus victims should react the same way, after a couple of minutes to hours when the guy has left with your phone wallet and gun used to rob you, anyone should go and report the crime, otherwise it is entirely their fault for not making the report, because they are the same thing so victims should react the same way, ignoring the difficulties of doing so on the part of the victims which is why you say things like:
The victims are not responsible for the rape, they are responsible however for letting the creep roam free and commit more, the fact that the sensei never reported the rapist to the police, allowed him to roam free and rape another girl, how the hell do you even defend this?
Now on to the rest:
Im not responding, because i havent unblocked Kronix, you had all this time to either quote or screenshot him to show me up on how mature and insightful his comments were, but you dont seem to want to do that for some reason. You seem to be conflating this to something else.
What a minor and petite reason, even without Kronix i already gave you plenty of documentation showing you how society keeps victimizing rape victims, but fine, have it your way, Here's his quote:
@Yautja I think he is trolling, there is no way he thinks that way. Can you imagine real rape victims?
"Yes I let him rape me and allowed him cuz he threaten me" I dont think he serious
Kronix thinks as anyone descent would do, that naczyls is trolling, because it is obviously not the fault of the victims that their rapist is getting away with his rape, however you are on the same boat with naczyls, and the men on those incels boards that Yautja described, you think that unreported rape is all the victims faults, because rape is such an easy thing, simple logic must cover it, but it doesn't.
Are you actually reading these or just googling whatever comes up first?
Do you know what a longitudinal study is? those are, they are studies that collect data over long periods of time, but that doesn't means that their findings are out dated.
But on the googling part, yeah, i am actually picking the first results on google scholar, and they work, you think i have a database on the theme or something? this is not hidden data, is kind of close to common knowledge, those are studies on the level of water makes things wet, and if they are being made is because bigots and people like you refuse to recognize that there's a problem, so they have to do the research on something that's is self evident, that being the existence of several factors that keep victimizing rape victims after their rape both from society and the state.
2.- The girls not going to authorities does allow the rapist to roam free
And they don't go because society as the papers and articles i linked show, don't facilitate that process, and neither does the law, but go on, keep saying this, ignore it all, also is not just women, it took Crews a year to take action, but of course in your mind he is a coward. BTW after all of this the agency Crews works with can still sue him while he can no longer do anything to that:
But of course he has nothing to lose right?
3.- This isnt something that normally happens in real life, the stats prove its not a normal occurrance, and there are no stats that show that law enforcement is complicit in demonizing victims on the regular. http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/Japan/United-States/Crime
Those are stats on reported rape crimes, not on unreported rape crimes, second is not like the US has better laws that Japan, third they don't show how the law nor society addressed or deals with rape victims, fourth they don't show nor report the POV of the victims, and finally they don't let us know why rape goes unreported because it doesn't even cover the theme, is completely and absolutely irrelevant data, what is even worse it makes it look like rape is similar to any other kind of crime ignoring the effects and circumstance of the victims, because it doesn't makes any distinction about it, that data shows rape and cannabis use as the same thing, just some crimes more, it doesn't even works for documentation on cannabis use, it ignores why people even use cannabis, or even in what parts is legal, or if it was recreational use or medical, really now, you don't know how statistics work, census data is extremely limited.
4.- You are trying to demonize me via bad faith arguments, if that isnt the definition of Toxic and Malicious I dont know what is, take a long look in a mirror and see what you become, when you are going to bat for dude that constantly advocates for rape and sex with children as a norm, and dismiss it cause "LOL HES JUST TROLLIN"
I am not the one making (mostly bad) excuses to keep ignoring a problem that affects women and men around the world, you are the one that keeps insisting on saying that everything is fine with the world and that unreported rape is all on the victims shoulders. A part of me wants to believe that you are trolling, but you seem to genuinely believe this, which as i said before is worrisome, even more now if you keep insisting despite it all, we are on what? our 3rd day? and you are still victim blaming, both real and fictional people, although i agree this manga is trash for lots and lots of reasons, but on this particular topic, it is trash because it maintain the view of a rapist that thinks he is getting free with his shit because victims are incompetent, and on top of that crazy which just makes this manga more trash.