Sensitive Boy - Ch. 34 - Parting Ways

Aggregator gang
Feb 21, 2019
Wow. Woooww. I wonder how things will go for these two now. Only one chapter left(??) to find out. I think before shit hit the fan, she was extremely remorseful in that moment that she ruined things with him. I'm not saying they absolutely SHOULD get back together, but if I was him, I'd be impressed that a girl took a knife for me.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 27, 2018
Oh wow I thought it was some random dude but I certainly didn't expect it to be the teacher out for vengeance. She fucked up even more so good riddance. The author is right that I felt a lot of emotions & the author did a great job of it. Thanks for the translations.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2019
First things first, wow. Amazing job by the author. There's been a sort of lingering tension over what would happen if Kaede had met with his rapist again. Now, we see that fulfilled. I'm almost certain that teacher had some form of mental issue related to what happened to her after she got fired and jailed for what she did. Almost no way she didn't feel any sort of contempt for Kaede for supposedly exploiting her.

Second, I'm wondering if the next arc will focus on that character we saw Kaede interact with earlier in the story, the one who was having a hard time being attracted to people. Another guess is on Rio, the shopkeeper or one of Kaede's friends.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
What the fuck was that, I don't understand why people are praising this chapter.

Random sensei appears,
sensei used stab,
Tsubasa used protect,
Tsubasa protected Kaede,
But also took a critical hit.

Tsubasa now understand Kaede's emotional pain by just one physical stab. Wtf. Imo author just fucked this all progression of 33 chapters in just one chapter.
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