Well the ending was better handled than the first one for sure. Wished to see more of what happened to Kanon after tho. Time to guess what 3rd arc will be about I guess. I’d bet on child abuse or maybe bullying
Well, since the focus will shift to Asahi, I doubt bullying or child abuse would be the issue since it is implied he has a good family, I doubt it would be bullying unless maybe it's in the past, since he has a good circle of friends in Kaede and Izumi. I don't know how the bullies would find a way to isolate him from his inseparable chums, so that one is out. He does seem kinda sensitive, like Kaede but maybe even more (he is a sensitive boi after all lol). But I hope it's not another dumpster relationship again, I'm hoping it could be something a bit more nuanced and internal like some sort of insecurity, anxiety or unhealthy addictions/obsessions (this one is a bit far-fetched tho), not necessarily drugs but maybe things like gaming or animu. Unhealthy compulsive behaviour relating to things like that. Also a stretch, since he seems completely fine, but maybe also grief, or survivor's guilt depending on how his brother passed away..