I feel like this is the advanced version of someone just being edgy wannabe centrist, and I like this manga but still gotta vent this out: like why go turn your civil rights movement into a bunch of monsters ? I get that the writer is Japanese, has a different relationship with these things too, and that theres a bit of missed translation there on behalf of the writer too. So like now its the writer is just against people being in protest, and they get turned into monsters because they're bandwagoners? Just doesn't sit well here.
But now we're bringing up literal colonialism powered weapons ? Like shit literally made out of the bones of a conquered family, fueling your public spending fraud scheme, all in the backdrop of a now mutant powered revolution. But also no protesting, you better be free thinker like D.
I think that this manga is entertaining but seems like it could not make up its mind to be a shonen battle anime or a seinen political thriller. Honestly I think they put in too many fights, especially after they sold us on there being fake power rangers. They should not have sent D right to a bunker to go fight a fake war, which was then restarted? I got so many questions like "what does the government look like?" , "is everyone who was against the rangers part of the invaders rights association?", "how do other governments view this situation?" no instead we just get another flashy dumb sentai battle. Its just that the pacing here is absolutely broken by this manic need for battle, in the worst possible way.