Everything that's wrong with this translation, a page-by-page breakdown:
pg2: Yuu isn't saying "become human again", he's saying "turn us back into humans".
pg3: should be "aren't you one of those Hiiragis" not "you're not a Hiiragi"
Yuu and Mika's dialogue is Yuu saying something like "I went berserk and got tied up" while Mika retorts "no you were an idiot like usual"
pg4: in context "funny" would make more sense than "interesting"
"environment" isn't exactly wrong but in context he's more of saying "your aura's changed"
the joke in the bottom panels is that Guren's using a pretty fancy way of saying it and Yuu doesn't understand the big words. something like "unknowable monster" maybe
pg9: the person who used to like the sky isn't Ashera, but whoever he's talking to/about
pg11: he's calling Shikamadoji rude for barging in, not pitiful
pg12: not wrong, but just saying "demons don't exist" is a far more succinct way of getting the point across
pg 13: "So that's the form you took when you became a weapon?" and "I am a scythe."
pg20: "what was done to you, and by who", Ashera didn't do anything himself
pg 21: the power of Yuu's desire, not his own
pg 23: Shinoa's pointing out that Yuu is made of nothing but monsters by now
in the last panel, even though it's cut off, she's probably trying to say something like "I've always been like this from the start"
pg25: last panel is missing the part where Shinoa says "I only noticed when you touched me, but..."
pg26: again, context. while "chest" is a valid translation most of the time, in here it's clearly supposed to be referring to Yuu's heart
in the last panel, Shinoa's not asking anything. she's outright saying "that's impossible, your demon is calling for your help"
pg27: "did you see him?" nothing to do with understanding
Shinoa's saying "your hearing must have been blocked". also "assimilate" is a really weird word choice here, maybe "synchronize your heart with your demon"
pg 28: "i'll go to you" would be better
pg31: again, "come to me" would be better
And this is only the actual errors. If I were to pick at the parts with poor wording, I'd be rewriting the entire thing. Hell, if anyone with more free time than me want to typeset I'll dump a script.
So overall, a pretty terrible excuse for a translation. This goes way beyond minor errors, it's clear that you're either a complete amateur or machine translating this. Either way I'd recommend getting better at Japanese before you try translating anything else.