Since whatever happened a few days back finished, I've been unable to use pretty much anything on the site except by navigating what's directly on the front page.
I can't hit "Follows," do a search, go into my settings, any of that, though I can do a search through the roundabout method of getting to the search from hitting a tag once I've opened a manga.
I also can't update the status of anything beyond just tapping the button to turn "following" on - the drop down no longer appears to offer other options.
Apologies if this is already known, I didn't see a thread for it.
I can't hit "Follows," do a search, go into my settings, any of that, though I can do a search through the roundabout method of getting to the search from hitting a tag once I've opened a manga.
I also can't update the status of anything beyond just tapping the button to turn "following" on - the drop down no longer appears to offer other options.
Apologies if this is already known, I didn't see a thread for it.