I wish that the author would make the main character more relatable, to make us actually feel like he deserves even a little bit of this fluff. At least stop him from being such a fucking downer 24/7. Damn complaints all the time even when enjoying himself.
I don't really like the mc. I dislike his neighbor and honestly the fluff isn't enough, it's way too mild. There aren't enough expressions and cuteness. The only pro of this manga is the coziness(at times) and the lolibaba fox girl, but that alone can only get you so far when the mc actively tries to bring the manga down by acting in a dreary manner. It'd be nice if he started to get more positive and energetic since the fox girl is there, but he keeps his previous attitude. Urgh. I get how it would be important to make him a broken human from the start to make him relatable to the target readers(single men in their late twenties to thirties who are unhappy with their work in one way or another), but shouldn't he lighten the mood up after that? Also, this mc really only has himself to blame for taking all of this shit and living a life where he's pretty much better off dead(no free time at all, when he's got free time, he pretty much sleeps it all away). Even a shit job with less hours spent would be way better even if the pay was a bit less. Even if he had to live frugally, it would still beat being slaved to death. But it seems he's too afraid to actually do something about his situation.
This has the potential to be WAY more soothing and awesome, but the author spoils it, mainly by not brightening things up after the initial chapters. Aren't people reading this for wish-fulfillment and escaping reality? Why would they want to be reminded of work all the time and have to read those negative comments by the mc? Seriously...