What is annyoying is how he talks, looks, appears like a bad guy (well he's a dumb rapist, though it's his ability earned from the dungeon) while he could simply enjoy the sex, enjoy the personalities of the characters instead of saying " Yes I've risen my level". Yhea ok boy, good your chuuni adventurer dream can continue, great. He could fuck any girl yet he fucks those ones. They're all in his class as well ^^, you have to give reasons. Of course, they're the hotttest etc but there's plenty of girls outside too. Why are you so focused on these ones, give it some thoughts trash author. Even if he's using them, it'd be interesting at least to see him attached more, or having remorse; thinking of telling the truth to get rid of his guilt or something. Nope " I've risen my level". YHEA NO SHIT WE FUCKING KNOW ITS YOUR OBJECTIVE, YOU COULD FUCK A HORSE FOR ALL I CARE.
Nope he's just going into a fucking plain, basic, simple, unteresting dungeon to keep raising his lvl and have more items to play with his slave girls. How uninteresting to make a bad mc character one dimensional.
The only thing this manga has is the drawings just like a hentai or borderline ecchi which could be on a happier note. It could be made into something more interesting despite the lack of substance, the mc is a scum on top of being uninteresting.