It would have been our fifth dating anniversary this past Saturday. We were engaged at one point, broke it off, got back together, and now probably broken up for good. This is my longest serious relationship so far, and it just feels so strange that a big part of my life is no longer there.
The first two years were pretty good. We went out on a lot of dates and we felt so close. Then we got engaged, I moved in for over a year, started to go out less (my ex didn't like most of my friends and eventually refused to hang out with them; got along well with my large extended family though), had a lot of arguments (living together with someone can be a very different experience), and then moved back out when we decided to separate the first time. We stayed in contact (maybe a bad decision on my part) and whenever I was over I would happily cook and also do dishes and laundry just like before. Eventually after about a year, I convinced my ex to get back together, but it wasn't the same. My ex was always texting or looking at something on the phone, never wanted to go out, and expected me to continue cooking and whatnot.
When my ex broke it off again a couple months ago, I found out part of the reason why we broke off the engagement was apparently my ex had fallen in love with someone married(!). That person wouldn't leave their SO and kids, so my ex came back to me and wanted to try to work things out. I had felt that my ex had been a lot less intimate with me during the latter half of this relationship, and now I knew why. I packed up all my stuff that I still had at my ex's apartment, and here I am now back at my place. I still haven't told any of my friends or family because I defended my ex when we first broke up, and then they were so happy to see us when I went home this past Christmas holiday with my ex in tow. Now I just feel stupid and embarrassed, especially after ignoring numerous signs and wasting the last two years of my life on this.