Shadow Queen - Ch. 35

Fed-Kun's army
Apr 29, 2019
A lil shocked by the comments because I thought the point of this heroine and story is that our MC has been hurt so much that she's morally damaged? That's the whole concept about her- that she isn't some morally strong character after the immoral actions forced against her young self similarly to The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass. It's weird seeing ppl call her a bitch as if it's something new because that's the whole point of her character and there are PLENTY of other situations where she does smthn morally shit and y'all coulda just dropped this then instead of 35 chaps in

and also idk about yall but in public, there are artists who sit out and are okay with drawing for free 4 fun but do ofc accept tip which u should if u can.

@jouyato y r u so mad can u chill 🤞🤞 please stop reading media if its going to drive u to unhealthy amounts of anger im concerned 4 u 😨😨😨 ppl irl will know to charge or charge halfway before accepting commissions this is just a work of fiction 😓😓

Also we can't assume his painting style has changed over 3 years. Improving in fundamentals or etc doesn't necessarily mean changing your artistic style? And we don't even know if it's his overall style of drawing/a technique he's used for a while that made him big?? Its perfectly possible to change your style and techniques in 3 years but we can't force assumptions on a chara we got one chapter of knowledge from
Feb 18, 2019
I don’t know if there are also in other countries, but in Italy there is a saying about the skills of great artists: “il genio è 5% ispirazione e 95% sudorazione (genius is 5% inspiration, and 95% sweat)”

It means that no matter how brilliant and talented you may be, you still have to work hard and give your best in order to achieve results. That’s true, but with another key it also means that if you don’t have that 5% of intrinsic genius, sadly you can also commit to 120%, but you’ll never get the same result and you’ll always stay on average.

And that 5% you don’t earn on the street but you’re born with, just like the color of your eyes or the height you’ll reach as an adult. It’s that little 5% that makes you a genius compared to everyone else and makes you inimitable and unique... whether you’re at the beginning of your career or you’re at the peak.

To use your example of the novice architect or the one who has been in the field for a long time, the novice genius will have spectacular ideas but will lack the technical knowledge to put his work into practice, while the experienced but mediocre professional will have a very good technical basis, but will never leave to posterity any building to raise him in the Olympus of great architects.
Aggregator gang
Nov 16, 2018
Poor the guy, the one who said "there are artists who sit out and are okay with drawing for free 4 fun but do ofc accept tip which u should if u can." must have never work for food. Artists need to eat, too.
Btw, I used to think this MC is like Aria in 'Villainess reverses the hourglass', but no. This MC is a real bitch.
Oct 21, 2019
Bro idgaf if she's "morally damaged" and that's the point of the story, but imagine defending someone who doesn't pay you for your 2 hours of work like 💀 Pay him first then diss him, wdf.
Oct 30, 2020
Mmm I don't understand why people are complaining? Aren't stories supposed to have character growth, drama and conflict? Aren't characters supposed to have their flaws, have personality etc.? Half of the fun is watching them evolve and mature. Badmouthing an MC at this point of the story feels like you better read something more tame and vanilla. Something that won't offend your precious eyes.

PS. I do hope y'all realize the irony of getting angry at her for not paying an artist when we are all in a free site that rips Korean mangas and posts them illegally, basically stealing from a REAL artist's work. hohoho People on their high horse should chill
Dec 17, 2018
I don't know why everyone is butthurt about her not paying, that's one of the reasons for him to change. Someone doesn't like his painting so he isn't payed and that forces him to look for answer why it's bad and she gave him a valid answer.
Jan 26, 2020
These comments aren’t understanding the whole point of what she did. She had experienced that he could do better, she knew his art was better than what trend he was following. Her words were a slap in a face yes. But, those words were to wake him up, what he was doing was just to make a living. He was not doing his best to show his creative style. Her treatment towards him will drastically change his view on his art and the common art trends around him. Staying in the same place would get him no where. Her words were a kick to move him forward with his career of art, for him to make the paintings he would be proud of. Either way, his view point on his painting style will change and improve. Elena just helped him a little early. And for those who complain about him not receiving the payment. Did he not say that there was no set payment? And that she would be able to decide once she sees it. She was disappointed so she did not pay. Why would she pay for something unsatisfactory? Why would he paint something that was not on par to his actual skill?
Jan 26, 2020
There is no need to compare this to the Villainous Reverses the Hourglass. Though there is similar structure, the overall story line is completely different. They experienced two different deaths and grew up in two different environments. They are completely different people, they may have the similar goal for revenge- but they are each in different situations and are acting accordingly to their situation. The pace of the story is of course different and the protagonist personalities are different because they are two different people. Comparing them and them ridiculing one because it is different than the other is an insult to each author and completely unnecessary. Instead of complaining in the comments, go read something else that fits your preference because it is simply unwanted here. It’s petty for you to complain about something you are reading for free.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 21, 2019
Y’all are a bunch of broken records huh. “ShE DiDn’T pAy.” Lmfao. To all the people complaining about her actions, the dude needed a wake up call. It’s not that serious, chill. It’s called character growth. He’s not going to change unless he gets told that this mediocre art isn’t going to work for him. If you don’t like the main character’s actions with how she treated him, then stop reading. Her telling him to do better and be true to himself is not being “rude”. Grow up and enjoy the story.
Apr 15, 2019
“ PS. I do hope y'all realize the irony of getting angry at her for not paying an artist when we are all in a free site that rips Korean mangas and posts them illegally, basically stealing from a REAL artist's work. hohoho People on their high horse should chill”

Aug 27, 2018
lets be real.. sure she didnt pay him this time and i mean for good reason, she wanted him to have a wake up call that this wasnt his true art.. and seriously whenever he inevitably draws her again (because we all know it will happen eventually) she'll probably pay him so much he'll have that one cliche "b-but this is to much, i cant possibly accept this" line o_o
Feb 18, 2019
By the way, re-reading the story more carefully.

In three years Raphael will show the world a painting that is recognized as an absolute masterpiece... but that doesn't mean that in the previous two and a half years he didn't know how to paint. "The Fallen Angel" will be his masterpiece: the point of arrival, certainly not the point of departure.

To think that three years earlier he had a completely different and insipid style is naive, like believing that Michelangelo Buonarroti, before sculpting the David, only knew how to make mud puppets.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
MC: "Your art is fake shit made to sell, stop betraying your own style just to get some bucks"
People who hit their heads when they were babies: "hurr durr she didn't pay for the drawing"

Like seriously, it's not even some 2deep4u shit. She literally fucking tells you why she won't pay and then you need like two brain cells to understand what she is trying to achieve by being so harsh. I can't honestly believe there are people complaining about that. That shit goes beyong mere speedreading, it's either sheer stupidity or a desperate need to force your professional frustrations into a story that has jackshit to do with them.

I have seen people complain about stupid shit in the past (and even been the one doing it a couple times) but this easily takes the cake for the stupidest complaint I have ever come across.

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