Shadow Queen - Ch. 35

Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
It's impossible to know what he needed. Maybe what he needed is a few more years of struggling with what he could do, what he wanted to do, and how to put food on the table. Maybe now she's ruined him, permanently. (Of course she hasn't, because she will eventually triumph and he'll be a very useful follower on the way. It's how those stories go.)

If you had a time machine, could you go kickstart the Renaissance by slapping around a few artists into revealing their genius? I doubt it.
Aug 26, 2018
This chapter definitely wasnt for me, but that's alright. Elena's actions are driven by her thirst for vengeance after all.

As an art student, this was horrible to read. Elena said it herself; she doesn't care about painting or art at all. She only wants to obtain a good asset. Her words were so shallow (it wasn't even _good_ critic tbh), but of course they will be effective as this is a fictional story. Irl artists need to balance out making a living and building your unique, passionate art. It's hard to develope your style without any money, the tools cost and you need food, housing, etc. But no worries, I'm sure that Raphael won't starve and will magically be grateful to Elena for her wisdom and strive to achieve something great much earlier than 3 years from now. 🙄
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 31, 2019
Her bit about controlling the renaissance is the worst part of this story, IMO. The artist didn't just start a revolution because the art was ~so good~; it clicked because the right people saw it at the right moment. She can't just swap out the people and expect to have the same cultural power...

Thanks for translating!
Nov 21, 2020
There's a fine line between criticism and being rude. Elena was rude. Storming out. Insults. Like seriously? Who raised you?

I was all for her scheming against bad people and all that shit but this wasn't it. There are better ways to make your point across without hurting other people's feelings. God, this would probably sting some artist who would read this.

Hopefully, in three years, by the time art boi has better skills, she also has better manners.
Aug 27, 2020
1 - I agree with much of what people is saying in these comments...
2 - I really hope she payed something though, he didn't just waste paint on her but two whole hours. If she didn't pay at all, that's so trashy it's disgusting.
Jul 24, 2020
But... None of us here and paying for this art, and the artist surely spent more than 2 hours on this or is everyone offended that she walked on him forgetting that? 👀
Jul 25, 2020
First of all, thank you for your answer.
As I said in my previous comment, I understand why Elena acts like that. However, her reaction was a bit harsh to me since I was looking at the situation from an emotional perspective.
I remembered with your point of view that not being emotional about these issues and that artists need such constructive criticism. Thank you for letting me look from another angle. ^^
Apr 13, 2020
This comment might get me a lot of hate.
But he did say pay me however much you want when I finish painting.
So by those words she thought the painting was trash and not worth anything shes not obligated to pay.
Also if she did buy the painting then the words she said wouldnt stick and she would just be seen as a hypocrite spouting harsh words but doing the opposite of what she saying.
Anyway I can totally see why she did that andthat matches her personality.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 28, 2019
huh I don’t really get why she has to be so harsh?? I get that she needs him to have that sincere art style or wtv but like dude is just trying to make a living...
and thanks for the chapter!
Aggregator gang
Nov 16, 2018
@sqrt9: they're both bitches but Aria is
acting nice to the ones she's using (her tutor, the maids, duke's spineless son, etc.), the only ones she's bitchy to are her enemies (and the ML lol)
but this chick (Elena?), it would be fine if she politely criticised the artist for him to pull out his true talents, but in her monologues, she is just angry because she needs him for her plans but she feels disappointed. Heck, how the heck could he live til now if he doesn't flatter the customers? And she herself said that she didn't even care about art. Someone who doesn't care about art is acting rude to an artist who is trying to make a living...
Sep 5, 2020
@azure_1802 Ehh. In Elena's pov she's probably wondering why he hasn't drawn in his real style yet, because from her pov and knowledge he will become famous when he does.

I don't think she meant THAT much harm. It was her being upset too that she has to wait for him, but also if she knows he can be a talented rich artist and no longer have to do this stuff. He's being careful because he doesn't know he can survive off his true style. She's upset hes wasting his time and skill right now when she wants to use him to get him famous now, for hrr own sake of course but to his benefit too.

She was probably thibking he always drew like his famous style instead of slowly developing it.

This would be a dick move irl but I think readers are being too harsh on Elena. Not like this matters coz
her doing this makes him become famous even faster and she becomes his muse lmao
Aggregator gang
Nov 16, 2018
@sqrt9: she didn't know what he had to go through in his life, so she didn't have the right to feel disappointed, she didn't know about arts, she only knew his arts will be so great that the world will be changed, so she didn't have the right to criticise his current self.
Well, i can somewhat guess what it's coming, this is a fictional work after all. But as someone who is working in art industry, i feel really offended. The story was so nice, the MC was good with her schemes, then the author threw in a cliché that made many readers mad.
Jun 8, 2019
May pagkagaga din to si ate first customer of the day ka gorl wala siya pera wala siya pambili foods malamang it should be something that needs to sell.

Double-page supporter
Sep 28, 2019
@eminyan lmfao dont worry????? theres nothing to worry abt it's a fictional character in a fictional piece of media i can be as acerbic as i want cause they arent real. it doesnt actually cause me any stress bc again, i know how to seperate reality from fiction??? i just enjoy trash talking the fuck out of characters when they make shitty decisions man let me have my fun it isnt hurting anyone real.

also the outrage, i assume, is bc shes pulling this dumb shit on a guy who was just trying to earn his living (and failing seeing as he hadnt had a customer yet even w the festival going on) and never rlly did anything bad towards her. the others could be excused as revenge but this one was just her being a massive dick asshole. rule of thumb is dont insult artists like that until they ask for what they could improve upon (she didnt even give technical tips, only her bullshit of tHis ArtStYLe is FakE (artstyle is a myth in the first place every artist goes thru multiple over the course of the years and can come back to a certain one if they want to. it's not like u have to draw in one way all the time) fiNd YoUr OwN like bitch u dont even go here stfu u dont practice art as a living u dont even *earn your own money*)

idk just some food for thought, famsquad
Nov 22, 2019
Why is it that some of these protagonists in these revenge stories treat people outside themselves as NPC? I had an uncanny feeling while reading this chapter that she trats people like a mean to an end. Its honestly uncomfortable and she was out of line this chapter
Jan 5, 2020
this taking control of the renaissance shit is total bull tbh. an art movement is absolutely not the same as political chess like a lot of these revenge stories are about. trying to force/change the people and their inspirations really shouldn't be going in her favor
...u can't control self expression and creativity ?1?2? i understand if she knew what the exact catalyst for him was but this didn't look that calculated, just looked like her getting pissed that he's not hurrying tf up and becoming a useful asset.
May 1, 2020
I rewrote the scene:

He--He'd painted the portrait to tailor to her. To please her. To endear himself. And looking at it, she felt a deep set sadness.

He was like how she'd been--changing her name, her face, her character, all to fit a part to survive, to endear, to be loved. By that stupid King who'd cast her away. By Leabric and the Duke who'd just used her. What had been the point?

"Don't you like it?" he asked.

"It's beautiful," she breathed. And it was.

"But. I'm not worth this. Nobody is worth this."

"Sorry?" He looked at her questioningly.

She struggled to find the words.

"This--this, it--you've sacrificed your soul to make this painting. You catered it to me and stifled your expression. I'm not worth that...It'd be better if--if you drew it they way you wanted, what you saw, what you wanted to express. You deserve to be heard. You deserve to be seen. Your perspective is valuable. And you shouldn't sacrifice it for anyone else. They're not worth it."

He stared, dumbstruck.

"How much would you like?" she asked. "For your two hours of work?"

An expression crossed his face, shame and something she couldn't quite pin. She realized her mistake.

"Here," she said and handed him 18,000 won. "Next time, I'll pay you more to see your unique art. Thank you."

Why had she done that? She wondered as she walked away. She'd been disappointed--he didn't paint like he used to--he was useless to her plans. But she simply couldn't condemn him. It was like scolding the little girl that she'd been, who was just trying her best to survive.

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