Aggressive Moonlight sonataWhat's Kate's boss level music sound like?
What's Kate's boss level music sound like?
Let's keep in mind the possibility that it's not Kate at all. Remember, during the time with Oliver/Ollie when she was trapped in the bottle, Kate herself successfully made a fake clone. I can easily imagine an adult with far more advanced powers who can use their soot to make convincing remote controlled fakes. We've seen this kind of subterfuge throughout the series, going back to when Maryrose pretended making use of her soot powers, it's well established we have to be cautious about taking things at face value.Is this a ploy by Edward to get more info on Kate's powers ?
And also maybe discredit her in front of the newbies so they come to hate her and sow discord in the children's wing ?
But the clones can't talkLet's keep in mind the possibility that it's not Kate at all. Remember, during the time with Oliver/Ollie when she was trapped in the bottle, Kate herself successfully made a fake clone. I can easily imagine an adult with far more advanced powers who can use their soot to make convincing remote controlled fakes. We've seen this kind of subterfuge throughout the series, going back to when Maryrose pretended making use of her soot powers, it's well established we have to be cautious about taking things at face value.
That said yes if Edward surprised the Star Bearers too by forcing them to get involved it'd also be interesting and challenging, and indeed would accomplish multiple goals for him. But it's also not clear how he'd have the leverage to do that. Conversely, Kate might well have accepted it in the interest of delaying things, attracting Edward's focus/attention, and buying more time for the covert rescue OP going on. Anthony also is plotting in the background to all this. All sorts of wheels within wheels lol, at least 4-5 factions all with their own plots and agendas, and even the ones that might theoretically be "on the same side" are hampered by lack of communication. Delightfully cloak and dagger.
What's Kate's boss level music sound like?
Can't they? Edward has sound power with his soot. Further there are simple tricks for this, like just throwing one's voice, that can still be effective. The chapter makes a specific point here of reminding us as readers that previously there was a door where there are now stairs and it was open below. That's been covered this time, but has it been filled? An adult could be directly underneath without them knowing.But the clones can't talk
Aggressive Moonlight sonata