Wheezes at the cool swig of..... Water.
Personally, I actually find Candys existence solves some questions I'd had with the story before she was introduced in this capacity: If Emilyko HAD been the star acrobat she'd seemed to be, why would
-She not have at least a stage name?
(A stage name would be used to promote the circus; even if she was scorned and taken advantage off off-stage)
-The ringmaster throw her out for messing in a way the clowns easily covered for?
(That's just throwing away money- it's not like she broke anything.)
-Who trained her?
(the ringmaster clearly wasn't doing it)
In all cases, Candy(Stella) having previously been part of the circus explains it for me. The ringleader being on edge about the 'faceless fairies' thing was also probably due to Stella vanishing.
Also working in the ventriloquism is a cute touch. As is Stella deciding she's clearly earned a performers name. Emilykos powers... they're pretty top notch too, huh?