Man, you are doing god's work, because of the length of this arc I think continuous realizes fits it better, people can forget what happens quite easily if a long time passes between chapters.
Also, the shadows from the third floor are cool bunch.
@jinter I think so too and this arc takes 10+ chapters 😭 but I think the current release sched is fine. Some do it monthly and it makes reread the last chapter at least just to refresh my mind what's already happening
Thanks for the translation. So many questions from this chapter. Why do the adult shadows not have their "faces" with them? Why do they know about Emilyko and call her a flower garden? How does the monitoring system even work, something to do with controlling soot?
...I could be very wrong, but more and more I'm getting the sense Kate *asked* for Emilyko to be made different. It feels like it's some kind of known quantity...
Thanks so much for all the chapters!! You guys are fast
It's cool we got to see adult shadows, their clothes are pretty neat, but I wish we got to see their faces tho
It is not clear that Emilyko were somehow fabricated, rather than kidnapped or somesuch; but it has already been established that Kate had been treating Emilyko differently, because Kate wanted a friend-and-companion more than a servant.