She Likes Homos, Not Me - Vol. 3 Ch. 10

Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2018
Uh that was... cringe
Emotions are all over the place and not in a good way
Dex-chan lover
Sep 18, 2018
Clearly this whole chapter has been the girls delusion of how she hopes things would turn out.
Group Leader
Feb 6, 2019
Hey, translator here. Note for everyone here... Pay close attention to what Miura says before the kiss. Then, I recommend you compare it with what Jun thinks in the novel. There is a misunderstanding here, and that's why I included the novel. Not for shits and giggles 'cause that was hard to translate...

Spoiler in terms of understanding this chapter's content:
Jun thinks he has to take "responsibility" for dating her due to the pressure of the audience, meanwhile Miura prepared herself to break it off after spilling her secret. But Ono jumping off made her lose her resolve and realized she couldn't let him go like this when the audience expected so much. She did this to help his reputation and her emotions got the best of her. Sadly, she choose the selfish route this time around.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 18, 2018
@Yabaibunni: Personally I was talking about how silly and over dramatized the scene was. The teacher conveniently lets her talk for several minutes before intervening, the entire student body suddenly changing their attitude, and the students pushing him onto stage.
Definitely not the kind of thing I'd expect to see in a Seinen series.
Dec 30, 2019
Wow I loved this entire series all the way up til this chapter. The fuck?????????????????? Please don't tell me this is supposed to be a "happy ending".
Jan 8, 2020
I think, at the end of the day, Jun, despite the positive feelings he has for Miura, is still being forced to date her just because the society around them dictates it, and she created the situation that would inadvertently make him choose her. Still, considering that they are high school students, I think this was the most likely best case scenario as teenagers are prone to sweep things under the rug if things get too complicated. Placing the topic of this manga on a higher-level social discussion, however, leaves much to be desired.
Mar 7, 2019
I'm getting mixed messages from this chapter, dude gets peer pressured into kissing her in front of an audience and the crowd egging him on is obviously not a good thing but it's framed sort of positively in those last few pages...chapter left me feeling kind of stifled, not sure where this is heading.
Aug 13, 2018
i'm a gay woman and had high hopes for this series but now i'm just uncomfortable. gay people don't have a responsibility to come out to hostile peers and i don't know why the text keeps framing ono as a reasonable guy who just happens to be a little brash. he's a bully and still a homophobe, even if it's not to the extent of the rest of the class.

as for miura's character, that last request was just weird. i have no idea why jun would agree to the blatant disregard for his preferences.
Dex-chan lover
May 7, 2019
Have we finally reach peace we awaited? I guess the last 4 chapters will determine that, I hope it does have a good ending. Hopefully. Hopefully.


Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2018
Yeah, I agreed this was really dramatic. I though this series would have gone for a quieter more understanding resolution. Getting violently outed, them having your whole relationship story told to your graduating class isn't what I would have guessed.
Aggregator gang
Mar 8, 2020
They didn’t egg him on to kiss her. After she said “kiss me”, he choose to. Yes, he is gay, but even a gay man can love a woman to a certain extent. He could kiss her, but not have any sexual desire towards them. Also, just because he kissed her at the end, doesn’t mean he choose to continue being with her. She probably asked for one last kiss before ending the relationship.
Aug 5, 2018
This series started so good... Im Gay myself and the past 3 chapters were just agonizing.
This went from a heartfelt Story to a over the top drag queen TV representation of how to deal with homosexuality and homophobic peers.
Their Relationship was no business of the whole school as is his sexuality.
And the kiss at the end..uff... Sexuality is fluid yes and maybe he is bisexual or w/e but that just felt like a forced "happy end" so that he can have his normal Happy Family in the end.
If he wants to experiment he can go for it but he already did , and he knows that its just not working for him.
So i don't see the point of the two trying to date again.

I think the mangaka read a few too many "real stories" from Tumblr.
Apr 19, 2019
My god this comments can't you read?? Or do you lack of reading comprehension???? Gosh I get it, a gay person can't like a girl, read the last page don't and understand what jun thinks idiots.

Thank you translators this story has been really beautiful the part where you also included the novel makes me understand more ❤❤❤❤
Jan 18, 2018
Just throwing this note out here, because sometimes people don't understand the distinction between sexual attraction and romantic attraction. The two are not actually one and the same, something that can be seen quite clearly amongst asexuals who still feel romantic attraction and aromantics who feel sexual attraction. Considering those are possible, it's entirely possible for a person to be sexually attracted to men, but romantically attracted to women. If you've ever heard of a bisexual person who only ever has long lasting relationships with one gender, it doesn't mean they aren't actually bisexual, it could simply mean that they are simply not biromantic as well. The two do not, and probably don't more often than we are aware, have to match up. Romantic love doesn't require sexual attraction, and sexual attraction certainly doesn't have to have romantic attraction, the two often go hand in hand, so it's hard to separate them (especially romantic attraction without sexual attraction), but they are actually distinct things.

I'm not saying that that is necessarily what's happening here, but recall how Mr. Fahrenheit said there are two kinds of love. The kind you get hard for and the kind you don't. To me, that sound like a pretty good description of sexual vs romantic attraction. It's entirely possible Andou is homosexual but biromantic, meaning although he only has "hard" (sexual) love for men, he could have "soft" (romantic) love for either/any gender. Does that make him "less" homosexual? Not at all.

In this particular context Sexual attraction is defined as physical attraction to or desire to have sex with a particular person/gender.
Romantic attraction is the desire to have romantic relations with someone (living together, spending time together, pretty much any thing outside of sexual contact. Cuddling and kissing of a non-sexual nature can fit under romantic attraction.)

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