Shen Yi Di Nu

Jan 8, 2019
The mc is too op, fun at first but it gets boring fast. The plot feels weak.

no chemistry between the prince and mc.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
I am kinda anxious about that sexual violence tag. could someone spoil it for me maybe??
Active member
Jan 23, 2018
@Solamira @WoodyCyber @Madival and anyone else wondering:

I believe the tag relates to what happens to one of the antagonist characters later on (If they've kept that part from the novel in the Manhwa) as payback for some very vicious and malicious scheming that has already occurred in the manhwa. There's no risk of it happening to any of the "good" main or prominent side characters.
Jan 26, 2019
The sexual violence tag is because the servant got almost(?) raped by the MCs father, Chenyu’s brother raped her under several occasions and planned to rape Aheng before, and there are some minor ones.
Apr 18, 2019
As a reader of the web novel, this is terrible. So much is cut out that if I hadn't read the novel I wouldn't have been able to follow the plot at all. The art is beautiful though, the clothing is gorgeous and I continue following for a better visualization of the characters. Would not recommend this manga if you are not planning to read the WN.
Aggregator gang
Mar 11, 2019
What the hell is wrong with these people?

I mean the people in the story, not the folks in the comments.
Active member
Aug 13, 2019
I was here for some fluffy op couple but all I got was political stuff, I give up trying to understand
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
229 chapters feels like only 50chapters of manga while the pace is super slower, I might need another 400chapters in order to feels some progress in the story. Eventhough many changes happened but they're of such small scales compare to the almighty of MC and 9th prince. It's like I just kicked a few pebbles in the way while I'm walking in my own backyard. If anyone wonder how I messured this, I suggest you read Tales of Demons and Gods....the pace is good there, I know we shouldn't compare Shonen and Shojo but we could somehow rush the pace without exagerrated things to make it more dramatic, since the MC is strong and ruthless. All I got from this story is a little chit chat, things will be more dramatic if the story goes double the pace like at this point at least the civil war must emerged, The story should be head toward the MC become the great empress of all time and how she make everything great in the end, even without over exaggerated just this alone could have 10 volumes for novel and over 1000chapters on comic,If each chapter released everyday it would be at least 3 years if we included some holiday. But I'm sure this is more like weekly stuff so with this pace and some short breaks each year when will this story finished ? Do I have to wait for the next 10 years ? Well my life would progressed so much for those years of waiting, and I might even lost interest midway. I must admitted that the story about politic caught my interest to read til this point, but if you're familiar with manga it wouldn't be much to read just about 50chapters right ? It only took me 2days to completed 229chapters. I just feels like the author don't even want to finish this story to begin with, so I will just stop at this. Normally I would ready about 60chapters for manga so it would be more fair to stop at about 300chapters but that would be too long of the wait.
Jan 28, 2018
I wonder if the manhua will continue all the way to the end of the webnovel. Only 800-1000 more chapters to go if they do.
Oct 13, 2019
I had dropped the manga since it cuts so much from the novel to the point it doesn't make any sense, but came back to it recently...and it has gotten worse lol.
On that note, is it just me or has the art quality really dropped? They sort of look ugly/odd. I went back to the first chapters and it looked more appealing and polished, yet now it seems to be rushed or did the artist change (and this is just their style?) It gives me an Archie comics character design vibe, just that they are more lanky and not as round faced as the archie ones
Apr 17, 2020
Re-reading so many times(4 times now i think haha~) i will admit the art has become somewhat boring compared to how it was earlier on,but the story is still great. Personally i have not read the novel but it still revolves around revenge with romance here and there while making her mark with her new life so it never leaves you wanting for something new except for how she deals with the next dummy who tries to bully her :)

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