Shen Yin Wang Zuo - Ch. 47 - Your Glory is my Glory

Dec 18, 2018
There's way to much talking, they skip over action scenes so much. It's all explained by talking, I see Mc clash with someone else and the next thing I know I get a block of text and someone is now hurt or someone is coughing blood. Bruh... What happened to this manga or have I just been blind to it this whole time. It's like since they changed the artist then the story went from mediocre to just complete trash while the art got a huge boost the story got the worse type of downgrade. I did this to vent but I don't think I will drop this just because I have nothing else to read.
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Nov 23, 2018
Yeah since the 2nd artist happened, they cant do fight scenes. Its always been a pose with a light streak, then result. All of the fight never gets drawn, but skipped. She's too busy making the MC look as girly as possible. Since the art isnt good, she makes up for it with patterns and style choices. Almost like a poor girls version of sailor moon from the 90s. Sadly with all the negatives that caused me to abandon this, I came back out of boredom and anger from this happening to another series I was reading and this was sadly less of the 2 evils. I just ignore the MC's looks at this point. I should look for something else and abandon this train wreck.
Feb 3, 2019
Aside from the rest of what people said, the MC has some real issues that I don't know if the author is planting as ticking time bombs for the future or just ignoring but...
His girlfriend is a psychopath it would be better for him in the long run to escape from if he was able to. She is crazy for him, and just crazy too. Their "love" is based on very little too. She likes him having saved her and one of her first friends in her dark world, and he likes her looks and likes protecting a pretty girl.
His mount may be a world destroyer. I suppose since they are blood bound he can always battle to the death if it came to it.
MC has no problem killing sentient beings. Not just talking about that first soldier who he kills without problem. But he murders the demons without any consideration too, and the beings in the other world who only seek to avenge/stop the being who destroyed their world. But what does he care, he has his simple minded list of friends and that's all that matters to him.
Active member
Nov 11, 2018
So Author has given up on showing any fighting?

All this talk about how "awesome" the MC is, and we don't get to see it.

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