Shimeji Simulation - Vol. 5 Ch. 49 - 🍄 🍳

Active member
Feb 12, 2023
So I kinda get it. Like Girl's last tour is about war and it's conciquences, Shimeji Simulation is about loniness and daydreaming in our world? Yeah, I will think it's like that. Also I will still think that Cube at the end of GLT is a what makes simulation in Shimeji simulation that's how Chito and Yuuri appear in this world
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
:meguuusad: Chito and Yuuri's staircase reminded me of how sad the GLT ending was.
I'll say this. It's easy to despair in (and reading about that situation and believe me, I've fell into that position as well for some time). They lose everything going up. However, in the end of literally everything, the only thing they had left, in their final moments, was each other. And ultimately, that is the most important thing.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2020
Wow, what a trip, feel lucky to have been able to experience it at each step "live" so to speak. Feels even more relevant now in some ways with the explosion of AI stuff in just the last year, and the ending fits in a gray way. Things aren't perfect, the world was not restored, humanity has firmly left behind the grounding with its original flesh past, but neither is it despair, at least these two made something new and found each other again wiser. Now they can have cohabit together with some mixing but still maintaining themselves as well. It's an ending worth contemplating on and will be a series worth rereading over the years to come. Thank you tkmiz, and thanks to all fellow travelers as well, this is one of those works where hearing lots of other's impressions is itself a core part of experiencing it! And definitely a big thanks to the hardworking translators who helped bring it to a wider world.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
She got a happy ending. Honestly, I'm a little surprised, but also thankful. And thanks, too, to Orchesc/a/ns. Sterling work.
Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2023
This has been one of my favorites. Im glad to be here
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
So sad to see it end, this was so fantastic. I still don't know entirely how to describe it, or what it ultimately meant, its themes are a jumble in my head like their universe, but damn. I adore Tsukumizu's conceptions of life and death and connection, and I hope their next work will be even gayer.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 11, 2018
that's super sweet. i didn't really consciously think about it, but despite the having the same heady and existential grounded-ness of girls last tour you can tell that this was always going to end in a much happier place: chii and yuu were able to meet again before even the halfway mark of this work. its no wonder that out two leads stayed together too. no matter what, even when facing uncertainty and loneliness, you've already made your mark on the other. you (both the self and the non-self) are always there. with time, patience and a little luck, you can make it that when the identity of one "you" is strengthened, so is the identity of the other "you". all that's left is to seek each other out again.
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2019
wait WHAT that's the end, damn I didn't notice at all. guess ill need time to ingest the last few chapters
Active member
Aug 22, 2023
Thank you for all the hard work! I love how this story is so complex and beautiful. I am even more so in awe of how the author wove the story such that we began to root for Majime and Shimiji to finally be together again. Almost like how we are all here together to read this amazing story. al lot of amazing comments here too, some that made my tear up too. In any case, wish you all the best and looking forward to seeing you all at other stories!
Active member
Jan 1, 2019
What a good manga. I'm gonna miss it very much. I hope Tsukumizu comes back soon, I like his drawings and the strange coziness of his stories.

Thanks a lot for all the fish the translation!

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