This manga is a work of art. I have always tried to keep a mindset in which I try to understand things. The reasons and actions people take. Of course I knew what that meant, that even though I would understand, considering the situation, my feelings of acceptance would differ. As someone who is reading this and knows everyones thoughts and emotions, I can say that I do understand. I understand very well where they are all coming from. Whether their reasoning and actions are good or bad, I still understand. And because I know this is a manga and not my own reality, I can’t entirely blame Eren or the others trying to stop them. Since I’m not there and don’t have to make any decisions, I say that.
I want Eren to live, I want everyone else to live as well. But not just live, but to be free, to end their suffering. I wish no one would have to suffer. But wishing for something like that... is like asking for world peace. It’s just isn’t possible. We cannot all live peacefully. Someone, somewhere will be suffering, one way or another. The only thing that we and also them in this manga can maybe possibly do that can even come close to world peace, is momentary peace.
If you wanted to put fault on someone for the situation at hand, you would have to go way back, back to when it began. That king who was no true king at all, a king who was only a king in name. But he isn’t the only one to blame. It started with him, but it could have ended some time between then and now.
You see, we aren’t taught history just to know about it, and study about it. It’s so that we don’t repeat it. To make our future better and brighter from what our past has been. To use the suffering of those who came before us, as a lesson. A lesson as to what NOT to do. To avoid that same suffering.
But unfortunately not everyone to cares much about it, if at all. Similar mindsets like “they’re dead already so why should I care” or “they did it, so why can’t I?” And even “Let’s use our past in a way it benefits us and not them.” It’s the sad but painful true.
Murder, is it right or wrong? Think about that. In general, is killing others considered good or mad? Depending, most might say it’s bad. So what if I give you a scenario in which it meant kill or be killed? Again, it depends on who’s being asked.
So let’s take this in mind, if Eren were to kill everyone but those on the island, and then changed their memories, or if he even killed everyone. Would it even matter then?
You see, I myself wouldn’t even come close to being able to make a decision like that. That kind of decision is something Eren and them have made. So I can only say that I understand, and nothing more. I understand how their choices.