I might lose it if the author decides to go down the route of “Friendship and Love Power Wins!” for this series. It’s been very good so far. I hope the ending is worth it.
Eren manages to kill everyone outside, probably dies in the process and all Titan powers stop working
Option B. (shounen)
Eren is killed or persuaded and everyone still left alive puts aside the fact an Eldian destroyed most of the world and make a great peaceful alliance 😂
Option C. (historical)
Eren is killed and the strongest countries left alive get a slice of the island's resources with Eldians still being treated as devils and exploited, then they start a cold war
Most probable is B from the tone of the last chapters, but it's also the lamest imo.
So? Some Germans fought and opposed Hitler, did it stop The Allies and the USSR from occupying and dividing Germany? Realistically the best case scenario is they go back to being discriminated against and the rest of the world only takes their valuable resources in exchange for not killing them.
Adding a free enemy faction to unite against seems like a shonen thing to do. there is that centipede thing to consider. Though tbh I'm watching the Expanse so it's influencing this opinion