Shinigami ni Sodaterareta Shoujo wa Shikkoku no Tsurugi wo Mune ni Idaku - Vol. 3 Ch. 14 - An Official Appointment.

Active member
Apr 25, 2018
Thanks for the translation!

Suspension of disbelief is a thing, and I don't expect manga authors to be military experts, but 45,000 deaths put literally any nation out of the war prior to the Napoleonic Era. Even then, those losses were ruinous. It wasn't until WWI that countries could have those kind of losses and just keep fighting.
Double-page supporter
Apr 19, 2018
This reminds me a lot of the web novel "The Girl who ate a death god", right down to her motivation for good food.

I wonder what zed is planning in his role as "D'Armes".
Apr 12, 2019

The Romans lost 60,000-90,000 soldiers in a single battle, Cannae, during the Second Punic War. This was after their defeats at both Trebia and Trasimene as well. Not only that, but the Romans went on to win the war. The Second Punic War took place 218-201 BC, about 2,000 years before Napoleon.

This was also back when it was still the Roman Republic, not even the Roman Empire yet. Losing 45,000 soldiers and continuing to fight isn't that hard to believe.
Active member
Apr 25, 2018

This is some of my favorite history, and I'm always happy to discuss it. Cannae was legendary for how ruinous it was to the Roman Republic, they lost almost an entire generation of young men in a single battle. Many historians point to how unique Rome was for being able to fight in any capacity afterwards, as it would have defeated any other country in the same time period. And the war thereafter consisted of the famous "Fabian tactics", where Roman field armies simply did not fight Hannibal on the open field since they could never afford another battle like that. This stategy worked, as Hannibal was recalled to Carthage before he could force the Romans into battle again.

During the period you speak of, the Second Punic War, the Roman army on the field of Cannae numbered 86,400 men, their total forces around the Empire were around 130,000. During the height of the Roman Empire their total soldiers scattered across the empire numbered 377,728 soldiers. This number was NEVER seen again in the West until Napoleon. The First Crusade consisted of only 100,000 soldiers AND non-combatants, and the best information I could find said the Holy Roman Empire was the only individual country that could muster anywhere near that many soldiers on its own. Feudal countries, such as the ones displayed in this manga, simply couldn't muster the numbers of men that more centralized states could (like Rome or Revolutionary France), nor did they have the population or resources to support so many men.

Napoleon once allegedly said to the Austrian minister Metternick "You cannot stop me. I can lose 30,000 men a month," to describe the massive losses the French were capable of taking. Even in the 19th century, 45,000 men was an enormous number of soldiers, every one of which represented a wealth of training and resources. That was also an era where armies had left behind the added expense of armor, that took blacksmiths months to forge, and the training required to wield an melee weapon or bow.

The only way a loss of 45,000 soldiers would be remotely believable would be if the Empire in this story was similar in size and structure to China during the period, which some historians believe was able to field half a million men. No nation of the Occident could come remotely close.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 11, 2018
For the Bow vs Crossbow thing, one should also consider the range.
Jul 13, 2019
Smiling while having the person in front of her impaled on her sword-

The cake one is brutal though. Where is the damn cake!
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
Hmm.. you mention Republican Rome, Revolutionary France, Imperial China and the Holy Roman Empire - this page lists Persia on a lot of places as well

Seems like Empires worthy the name have often managed to sustain losses of 45k even in a single battle, yet limp on a while longer? ;)

(That said - from what little we saw of the Empire they are treating it as a devastating blow. But the main deal is probably that the author is themselves better read up on Chinese historical warfare when it comes to casualty figures.)
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2023
I feel bad for the guy. She's just so damn wholesome, even when holding a human head
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
@Rayodino to be fair, prisoner exchange in our medieval history is similar...
Knights? Royalties? oh sure... they'll be captured alive if possible because they can be ransomed for hefty funds... if not exchanged for someone of similar worth.

Peasants and ordinary people? Yeah... the chance of that happening for them is not that great.
Like Melcyna said, it is historically accurate. The creation of heraldry and all those fancy symbols and colours you see on knights is often attributed to letting everyone know that the bearer is worth a lot of shinies if taken alive, therefore improving the bearer's odds of survival.
I think Rayodino's point is that there's no point in keeping commoner as prisoner if no one ever thought about ransoming them before.

If they want people for harsh hard labor then make them slaves instead of keeping the kingdom soldiers together.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2021
Like BRUH, give her the goddamn cake xD

You wouldn't want that Cute Monster to switch side because the enemies give her cake xD
Aggregator gang
May 29, 2023
imagine if they showed her candy xD. just keep her away from the mead(basically honey wine). a buzzed to drunk olivia would either be terrifying or hilarious, possibly both lol. they're gonna have to keep a stock of nice cakes and new(to her) books for emergency rewards lol. to be honest that's on the cheap side too, i think most would get a title and territory or at least decent monetary reward for pulling that off, she took a whole damn fort and slayed the commanders with less than half their troops and only lost 5 of her own. and all she wants is some cakes and/or books lol. just realized too that both her and the summary mentioned magic and we've yet to see her use it.

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