Shinigami-sama ni Saigo no Onegai wo

Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
does anyone know the answer to the last chapter?... who was the culprit?...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
Maybe I sould not give up and read whole thing from the beginning to figure out the answer...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
The low rating is undeserved, I gave it a 8/10. Read it a long time ago, was good but: Minor spoiler:
the ending is bullshit

Proper spoiler (also @ppl below):
Not possible to figure it out unless some stuff got lost in translation
Makes me *ing mad.

@Gaikang: I am still butthurt, ultra_rage.jpeg
Mar 28, 2018
This was fairly good aside from the ending, what a shame.

The ending is bullshit and you can't really know for sure. The only culprit the story seemed to be consistently leading up to was their mother. Who fucking knows though.
Jan 22, 2018
Damn, NOW I remember this manga. ?

Guys, dont try to put too much though into it, manga got axe’d and author wanted it to end it on a weird fashion. That’s it.
Active member
May 1, 2018
It’s such a shame. This manga would have been so good but it got axed.
Can’t really blame the author, just the ones who decided this should be axed.
Apr 19, 2018
- yamaguchi mikoto universe theory -

You guys remember Shinigami Onegai?
Or you guys remember Mayonaka X Giten?

I proposed that both manga (which shared same author) is also shared the same universe.
This is my theory regarding shinigami onegai ending :
this manga share the same universe with "Mayonaka X Giten" (same mangaka)

Not only that, actualy Saaya is the very first one who created the the body swap method in Mayonaka X Giten
How Saaya creates it?? Probably with similiar trick with the baldy Kuroneko (check chapter 3)
Why Saaya creates it?? To save Minamida Azuma. Minamida simply swaping into better body and he will be immortal

Ofcourse one of the trait of body swap in this universe is super power. Probably Minamida get a power to silence Saaya.
Probably something like "global memory erasure" so change nothing in the rule of Sayaa-cannot-lie

Now, body swap is a cheat power in this universe law because shinigami also count body as sinner
Remember that Kureha-Shiroha arc? If the possessed innocent kid kill the father, she will also be blamed for murder
What if someone (let's say Aida), swap body with another one (let's say X), and kill alot of people (let's say Shizuka Family)??

If we open up the possibilty of body swapping, we got alot of new scenario and explanation of confusing thing.
Combine body swap with "global memory erasure", it explain about the last wish contradiction for Aida's case.
And since body swapping also grant the user super power, It explain why Minamida jr so keen for Aida's body (check last chapter)

So what about yamaguchi mikoto's other manga?
I will also claim Tomodachi Game share the same universe with them
And the real traitor is :
Yuichi...........But not our Yuichi.
In mayonaka X giten we exposed double personality
Yuichi has double personality. one good and one bad

He got them from body swapping goes wrong
So instead of swapping one personality, two got stuck together
One of them ia the real traitor
Dec 18, 2018
Yup, i just found this and after seeing some theories and in the end although i cant say a lot i fullly belive the culprit is the mother before reading i actuaally wrote this in a very rushed manner and i have dyslexia symptoms that could lead to make it even harder to follow what i said since its a long text, but if someone wants to ask i would something that they didnt understand i would gladly answer

I saw a lot of especulation regarding the victim positions but what about shizuka position? He was with his back to hibiki and in front of his mother his father doesnt give alot of clue but when and where did the photo was taken? It was taken from somewhere near hibiki, taking the photo from shizuka back when all the members are already dead, and when exactly that should've happened? When saaya came to pick hibiki, she took the picture before getting hibiki sent to minamidda sicne it was a case similar to the novel that asami was doing and wanted to finish she in the end erased everyones memory because of someone last wish, thus she wouldnt remember anything,minamida would have the picture becaues while she can erase memories she wouldnt be able to erase a photograph and she herself wouldnt know about it, you have the outsider, the link with minamida and you discover a member of thefamily its the killer, cant be hibiki or shizuka, the father probably got his last wish to erase shizuka memories, so that leaves his mother last wish and she was already was getting to her final time wanting to see hibiki face once

Shizuka also tells us that hibiki pushed more to her father than to her mother, there is the aunt relation that crippled and blinded tomoe when she was pregnant but did the fetus survive? Couldnt the fetus die and hibiki be in fact a product of affair beetwen the father and his cousin? in the shinigami rules blood -related cant take over relatives, and yet shizuka was allowed to do it, why? if she was blood related to shizuka it would go against the rules so you can only believe that they are not blood related

Hibiki had ser legs severed, but why her legs? What do we know about tomoe? She was crippled and couldnt walk aunt was probably related to the reason and seeing hibiki all her fury and resentment b ecause being crippled went to hibiki by severing her legs she wanted to show what she felt when she couldnt walk, hibiki couldnt die at once since it wasnt fatal at the time so she only lost consciouness to wake up at the moment that saaya came to pick her, why the father told shizuka to stop? Because it was his mother his father didnt want him to do anything and the only reason that shizuka survive was because she was the only innocent on his mother eyes, a good son that take care of her and was actually blood-related to her

Oh, there is also shizuka novel name "F". why are we assuming that the would stand for what we think it is? Its a novel that has someone from the family killing his own family... so can't instead of "F" we use the word "Family" to take another hint the author gave us? That all of that was related with his family and done by someone from it not by the outsider

And lastly was satsuki question to shizuka that "Why tomoe isnt a suspect?" and the fact that we are told "Shizuka made a mistake in his deduction" taking all of this in account what this mistake could be? Yes, the mistake of not thinking his mother couldn' be the culprit, misleading his thought in the case

Also we could also remember the chapter that has the philosphy of "Dying its better than living a miserable life" but shizuka believe its better to live, cant the author implying the culprit belived on the first statement? Who in the story could fit in such thing if not tomoe? Was crippled,blind and when she got finally her last wish to see her daughter she discovered it was a daughter that was not her but from an affair from her husband, she lived a miserable life to discover in the end that the daughter she always wanted to see the face was actually never her child , wouldn't that be more than a reason to make someone go mad in rage to the point of killing father and daughter,we have seem this happen irl people can do such thing in these moments? But since shizuka was really her son she didnt really killed him

Adding some more stuff, do you guys ssee the image where the author draw shizuka and hibikif ather with his cousin? Look at the hair proportions,the clothes, i can'5 be the only one that can see hibiki there instead of the father cousin, if hibiki looked so close to the cousin

Regarding the reason that the mother was never able to tell hibiki was not her daughter, when she had the accident we actually see that the mother seemed to have already developed the baby a lot, but an accident that lead a mother to have such severe injuries and make she lose her vision, yet her baby would be able to survive that? Also seeing how much damage the accident made to the mother and how her pregnancy seemed advanced, i belive there was no chance that she would've survived giving birth to hibiki at all

So why would she not know that hibiki was not her child? Simply shizuka told us that after the incident 3 months ago she needed her family support do day-to-day activies the key words beign "3 months ago", we have given a timeframe for something after the accident, so we can belive that the mother might not be awake during those 3 months or at least in a shock state that would leave more than enough time for the father to get hibiki and after the mother recovered she would believe that its her daughter since her pregnancy was alraedy advanced when the accident happened and she was blind becoming unable to see how the child looked so she wouldn't even bother trying to suspect it was not her child

Does any of this make sense?

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