it's that far now? I'll have to check in with it. Though, even if he got smaller or more handsome, I definately wouldn't say he's becoming more human-like. The ogre-gems are part of it but, overall, his body will become less like a humans.
Still his phisique and looks aren't at all apalling (at least in manga) since he became ogre. He have straight posture, no defects, two arms and two legs, small head - very much human-like
If he had pig head that would be ork-like
if he was a reptail - then lizard like.
Do you get what I mean ?
yeah, but we're talking in terms of how he compares to his previous forms. I don't remember how he looked in his goblin form but his hob form should be his most normal looking. From what you said, he should be an apostle now in the manga, I think? That should be 5 horns, or was that the next one? Then there's the gems implanted in his body. Then there's the later stuff I mentioned. It all steadily moves away from that normal human look he had as a hob. See what I mean?
@Meridis His hob form looked like a person with jutting tusks, I think, still less monstrous than other Hobs that weren't raised by him, but he doesn't change as much after black ogre (just pre apostle maybe), the gems and horns just look removable, which apparently they are, since he removes them from all his Lord race subordinates.
As for Seiichi in this story, I don't think this is his final form, but even if it was, they explained what happens to anybody that survive that evolution process already. He's becoming some kind of apex human, and
his status doesn't technically say 'Human' anymore
@Merilirem In the web novel it was explained that the Fruit "evolves" someone towards a direction they desire/need. That's why Seiichi evolved less ugly (because that's what he wanted), while Salia turned into a human (because her love interest was a human).