Shinmai Ossan Bouken-sha, Saikyou paati ni shinu hodo kitae rarete Muteki ni naru - Ch. 40 - Teachers of all Sorts

Double-page supporter
Feb 27, 2020
The MC is a piece of shit for watching that beatdown happen and not step in nor anyone else either for that matter. I'm so tired of that trope cause all it does is make the MC look bad for watching that and being "i'll twiddle my thumbs I see nothing dee dee dum dum dee." Also I'm tired of this MC being denser then a blackhole to everything, I know his training sense are warped but he knows this teacher from the word go was going too far but he just kept watching.

Also how come the "special" class is still treated badly even doing everything needed? Surely this would have elevated them breaking the records constantly? This makes no sense from a logical perspective and comes across as lazy drama writing instead.
Lol your taking this way too seriously, the guy will recover by next chapter as if it never happened.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
Ok but when you target the weak and they consistantly perform better then the rest why are you still targetting them as the weak ones?
That's the "comedy" aspect. Not saying some, if not most of the motivations aren't pure, stupid, tired old plot-vehicles... Including the "weak" ones growing through adversity, and showing up their "bullies" and all that.

Just that the level of "unjustified violence" is, given the environment, nothing special, considering.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 1, 2019
Ok but when you target the weak and they consistantly perform better then the rest why are you still targetting them as the weak ones?
Did you miss the part where the instructor either complained about them being commoners or, in the case of the first guy, being a meathead? They have a specific image they want to cultivate and the four of them in the special squad don't live up to that image. As long as that expectation persists they'll never acknowledge them as actually being strong. Hell, their regular teacher is 100% convinced they're cheating in every test.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Is about time Rick doing some " training regime " exchange to instructor to help them in class
Dex-chan lover
Feb 21, 2018




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Group Leader
Oct 13, 2020
That's right they are "Special" to get rid of but remember one of them plays chess with the headmaster so clearly somethings off. Also if the Special class is constantly doing better then the other classes that means they are infact better then them so again why not elevate them?


What they should have done is for the running stuff not made them out to be heroes for being so fast and doing the impossible cause writing wise you've backed yourself into a corner that how can these people be still incompetent if they are doing what literally noone else has ever done before.

We know that there's some kind of connection between the headmaster and Ark, but the exact details haven't been explained yet. I personally think the headmaster is uncomfortable/discontent with the way the school is operating, but he's just a cog in the machine, so he can't just say "Hey, do it this way or get out" because then he could be the one getting the boot. But he's pinning his hopes on Ark, who's proven to be skilled, to be a catalyst for change.

I don't think they wrote themselves into a corner at all though? Rick doesn't know that the assignments they're being given are given in bad faith (i.e. the expectation is for them to fail), so he lets his squad do as much as they can, and then he covers the rest of it for them. On the other hand the teacher knows he's assigning essentially impossible tasks (e.g. you have 2 hours to run a course that a fully trained knight would need at least 3 hours to do), so he obviously thinks they're cheating. S-rank adventurers and special-class knights are rare enough that some people literally think Orichalcum Fist is just a made-up group. If the options are "somebody (or multiple people) on par with those that defy common sense is/are in this group of trainees" and "they cheated", then cheating is the natural assumption.

I think it's also important to note here that at the time of their mock battles it's literally the 3rd day of their training, and the nature of the tasks assigned before meant the instructor couldn't personally see any of their performances on the 1st and 2nd day. It's part of why he insisted on the battles.
Group Leader
Oct 13, 2020
Also, I saw a couple of comments regarding Rick's timing on when to jump in. I was kind of surprised the stomp actually went through, but I do think it's not really out of character for Rick/this series to only jump in at the very last second. I feel like a big running theme throughout the series is the idea that if you want to be the best you, you really have to commit to that. Think about the big power-ups we've seen in the series. When Rick first unlocked his unique skill it was when he embraced his dream of being an adventurer and decided to stand and fight a dragon (basically a guaranteed death sentence for relatively high ranking adventurers, much less an entirely untrained clerk). Rick's entire training arc was "want something so bad you're literally willing to die for it. Thousands, tens of thousands, ???? times, if that's what it takes." Last arc, we saw that Kelvin only started to scratch the surface of S-rank when he embraced his desire to get stronger and basically put his life on the line to pull out everything he had in him. In that same arc, Angelica's training with Rick was enough to drive her a little crazy, and then she followed up with the real version, literally dying. And now she's a first-class knight.

Rick only saved Angelica in the match when she literally couldn't move/had fainted. Likewise, Rick only jumps in to save Henry when he's passed out. I guessss you could say that Rick is bad for not jumping in sooner, but I think Rick(/this series) looks especially at moments like these (where you're backed into a corner/when you're down but not out) as like, prime moments for change/growth. And Henry did say that the whole reason he was there/doing all of it was because he hated the way he was, and wanted to change
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Also, I saw a couple of comments regarding Rick's timing on when to jump in. I was kind of surprised the stomp actually went through, but I do think it's not really out of character for Rick/this series to only jump in at the very last second. I feel like a big running theme throughout the series is the idea that if you want to be the best you, you really have to commit to that. Think about the big power-ups we've seen in the series. When Rick first unlocked his unique skill it was when he embraced his dream of being an adventurer and decided to stand and fight a dragon (basically a guaranteed death sentence for relatively high ranking adventurers, much less an entirely untrained clerk). Rick's entire training arc was "want something so bad you're literally willing to die for it. Thousands, tens of thousands, ???? times, if that's what it takes." Last arc, we saw that Kelvin only started to scratch the surface of S-rank when he embraced his desire to get stronger and basically put his life on the line to pull out everything he had in him. In that same arc, Angelica's training with Rick was enough to drive her a little crazy, and then she followed up with the real version, literally dying. And now she's a first-class knight.

Rick only saved Angelica in the match when she literally couldn't move/had fainted. Likewise, Rick only jumps in to save Henry when he's passed out. I guessss you could say that Rick is bad for not jumping in sooner, but I think Rick(/this series) looks especially at moments like these (where you're backed into a corner/when you're down but not out) as like, prime moments for change/growth. And Henry did say that the whole reason he was there/doing all of it was because he hated the way he was, and wanted to change
You nailed it, helping someone no matter how good your intentions are can rob people of their growth, and Rick is aware that it can happen at your very limit, so he only intervenes when it's over already but the opponent still continues. He did the same in the Gil VS Angelica fight despite being outmatched from the start and knowing she would most likely lose, but gave her a chance to grow and mature from that fight instead of stopping it too soon because was a lost fight
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 24, 2020
The instructor looked like he was just doing hazing. Well, dun dun dun, Rick is going to give him a "fair" fight.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
I'm pretty surprised that they've pulled the "Where's Ark?" card WRT baths twice now (once with thinking Ark's there, the other going to the baths without knowing where "he" is), and nothing's come of it. I feel like most series would just have the bath scene where the char's found to be a woman happen immediately upon the baths being mentioned, lmao.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
I'm pretty surprised that they've pulled the "Where's Ark?" card WRT baths twice now (once with thinking Ark's there, the other going to the baths without knowing where "he" is), and nothing's come of it. I feel like most series would just have the bath scene where the char's found to be a woman happen immediately upon the baths being mentioned, lmao.
Author's probably gonna do the rule of 3 for that.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
Welcome to ignoreville.

So you don't actually respond to anything I said just go "Well they are being used as an example" well guess what WHY WOULD PEOPLE BE MOTIVATED IF YOU DO WELL AND ALL YOU SEE IS PEOPLE GET TREATED LIKE TRASH FOR DOING WELL. Think man think.

i did answer you Sir Bitchalot. they arent trying to motivate the special group. they want this group to fail so the other groups (ie the nobles) will feel superior to those uppity commoners who didnt know their place and tried to be better than the nobles. you have zero idea about how stories like this work because your one braincell isnt able to keep up with something as simple as the idea that nobles are assholes who enjoy seeing others suffer. Nobles dont want commoners to succeed and maybe take a job they were supposed to get cause nepotism.

do you seriously not understand a simple concept like this? did you sleep through the events of Assassination Classroom as it explains why they treated class F as losers in terms even intellectually challenged folks like yourself can understand?

This is why i call you an idiot whenever we meet. You dont even try to understand whats happening in the series and just proceed to complain about the series not making sense when the series already answered told you why it's happening and the thought process behind it is. Do better than this Sir Bitchalot.

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