BTW, it actually looks like there's a third volume in the works. The author afterword for the second volume says
i.e. she'll try her hardest to get the next volume out faster.
Looks like there are newer chapters, with the latest one
すれ違い having been posted in December. Which means I've still got hella chapters to scan. Looking forward to it.
P.S. Support your mangaka if you can. It's pretty hypocritical of me, the scanlator, to say so, but showing one's (preferably monetary) appreciation means a lot, I'm sure. Personally I'd like to get a hard copy just for the joy of reading a physical book.
P.P.S. Not sure how best to translate すれ違い in a single word. The closest phrase I can think of is "at the right place at the wrong time". I'm sure there's a French word that captures that well.