Shitai no ♡ Karen-san!! - Ch. 28 - I might Ascend


Jan 23, 2018
Something tells me she left her body and another ghost is possessing it right now.
May 12, 2018
Boy, don't you dare flat out reject her. Explain to her the dangers involved in the act she desires to commit, then re-confirm whether or not she would like to continue. Neither of you would be very happy if she ascends, right? Some people are into necrophilia, but I don't think our MC is one.

Also @squigglesjp Nankoko is ok. not great, but not awful either. relatively decent, assuming it follows the manga. I only read the manga, so i don't know about the anime.
Power Uploader
Jan 31, 2018
@Vasqueztion HAME HAME HA too STronk! xD

@justforthelulz Indeed, they'll both a---

@MesaOracle Fumu, I'm currently asking around if anyone would wanna help edit it xD

@Epicredeemer Fumu fumu... I just took a look at the manga page and to my surprised the series is still on-going! So what's up with the short ( 15minute ) anime?! Was totally expecting your normal 30 minute version

p.s. From Ch 1 of the manga, the art looked superior than the anime version. However, anime has colour! It's quite pretty!
Dec 25, 2018
Nankoko? I read Manga vers long ago, story-wise it's pretty decent, but the characters keep changing so I dropped it
Power Uploader
Jan 31, 2018
@MesaOracle More updates. Kidna- I mean, found someone who's willing to help with the editing. The daunting task of getting it translated shall commence! SEMPER FI!
Feb 3, 2018
I loved the first two couples, but my interest dropped like a meteor in Russia once the third girl came in--completely unappealing. Then the fourth came in, and she was no better. Fifth was also unappealing, so I left the manga alone; didn't bother with the anime.

As for Nakamichi and Karen, well, it's probably as someone said earlier: her eyes changed color. The question is who's got her now? (The color looks a bit familiar; if it's whom I think it is, that'd be one hell of an ugly twist...) Whomever it is, and when she's given the boot...I hope Nakamichi could actually grow a spine and take this girl--because that Greenhair is waiting in the wings. I'm surprised he didn't show up instead of Nakamichi when that door opened and Karen heard "I'm back" before Nakamichi fell out on the spot.
Mar 5, 2020
At first I couldn't decide why Karen's eyes kept changing colors, but then, since they just drove past that love motel, it's likely that she's being influenced by the ghost of the girl whom they met there. Especially when she states that she's wanted to have sex since the first day they met, which is definitely not how Karen behaved when they met. This goes along with her wanting to use Karen's body so she would become 'satisfied' and ascend. I think the reason she was able to coerce Karen to such a degree is because Karen was already harboring feelings of love for Nakamichi.

I don't know if we've seen this before, if it is as I view it, with two souls inhabiting the same body. I just thought of a hentai story idea around this...

@Giga: You know I just checked back, and Greenhead does have a similar eye color, though not quite the same; it matches more to the girl I mentioned above. It's been a little while since we've seen him, so perhaps he's decided to influence Karen so that our two main characters fuck, resulting in Karen's spirit ascending into heaven. This is pretty underhanded, which fits his personality.
Feb 3, 2018
@DevLogger: I did notice that their eye colors are slightly different. You're probably right--it's very likely that ghost from the hotel. What's more, between what Nakamichi did a chapter or two or three ago and the nonsense I just read in the last four chapters of Isekai Maou to Shoukan Dorei Majutsu, my faith in the average manga author's ability to write intelligent conflicts (or write intelligently at all) has further fallen considerably.
Mar 5, 2020
@Giga: Aha, I started reading that series here since you mentioned it, and already by chapter 3.1 I'm seeing what you mean about authors. And that series got an anime adaptation!
Feb 3, 2018
@DevLogger: Yep. Now, I'm willing to ignore that sort of thing for a story that's otherwise sufficiently entertaining--and has elements that I like (in Isekai Maou's case, both criteria apply, but Shera is the bigger element, so to speak). If there has been that sort of brainlessness in the writing, I've probably forgotten it by now. Up until now, it's been enjoyable, and I can think of worse shows that have gotten adaptations.

But when the poor writing gets to be so bad as to break my suspension of disbelief and thus end my immersion, like what happened in those latest chapters, my enjoyment ends up largely replaced by criticism.
Mar 5, 2020
@Giga: Most assuredly, it's almost like some authors are afraid to expound or elaborate on the concepts that they include, for the sake of hurrying a story along. Admittedly, for a romcom like this, too much explanation can be a drag, but as an example, so far it's been so crazy to me that our MC doesn't seem to spend any self-reflection upon his situation, beyond what is plainly true; you'd think he might do some research into his circumstances. It's become obviously to me as well, that the author here is the type who introduces ideas like a fishing lure; they're dropped in, but who knows if they'll go anywhere, lol.

I'm up to chapter 15 in Isekai Maou, after having nearly dropping it because of that Whitepod knucklehead, and I feel myself comparing the story complexity to a JRPG meant for preteens, despite the mature elements. It is getting more entertaining, thankfully. 🙃
Feb 3, 2018
@DevLogger: That's almost certainly true across the board, of that I have no doubt. I still think it's poor form to solve such a pacing issue that way--because then the reader KNOWS the author's trying to do so.

Whitepod...I didn't even remember who that was until now. I remember that what he did to Isekai Maou was so bad I couldn't countenance the idea of archiving it; it went on for so long that I just decided not to to archive at all. Reminds me of what another scanlator was doing to another manga (one that was much higher in quality than Isekai Maou in multiple ways), except that guy wasn't just throwing memetic language, his own humor, and real-world references in, he was waxing political at the end of each chapter with his own added pages. Some scanlators' egos inflate explosively when they think they've got a captive audience.
Mar 5, 2020
@Giga: Thankfully, his nonsense only lasted up until around chapter 20, haha. The ironic thing is, after not seeing his comments in the further chapters, I started to lose interest in the series; perhaps I was just reading it out of spite at that point, lol. I've moved unto Zannen Jokanbu Black General-san for the time being.

p.s. Who was the scanlator you're speaking of, so I might know what to look for?
Feb 3, 2018
@DevLogger: The idea of saying his name is repulsive, since that guy was doing that stuff largely for attention (but also for the sake of indoctrination, with both reasons being common among leftists). The manga is named "Wakamono no Kuro Mahou Hanare ga Shinkoku desu ga, Shuushoku shite Mitara Taiguu Iishi, Shachou mo Tsukaima mo Kawaikute Saikou desu!" The scanlator in question is <i>not</i> Varrel, he's the one who saved it from the leftist (who, BTW, was also letting the manga sit for ages without releases upon hearing criticism; he picked up slack once competition showed up).

The manga itself is, as I said, quite good. If there was a line between ecchi and H, that manga either presses or straddles that line; there's also a harem, but it's a well-executed one.
Mar 5, 2020
@Giga: Leftists? Ahahahahaha, well considering what they've done with American comics lately *cough* Snowflake, Safespace *cough*, I'm surprised that the series wasn't retranslated into some sort of diatribe about Socialism, lol.

I've given that series a bit of a read, and it's good stuff! Thanks for the pointer.🤗
Feb 3, 2018
I'm surprised that the series wasn't retranslated into some sort of diatribe about Socialism, lol.

...If things continued as they were before everyone gave that translator hell and he got sniped, it probably would have. He's a self-described "communist", if I recall correctly. That said, enjoy.

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