World building: 0
Character relationship progress: 0
Plot progression: 0
24 chapters of nothing
This is the manga equivalent of lv5 mmorpg fetch quests
Lets hope MC affiliating with this organization will bring SOMETHING to the table
It’s been a long time since i read this, why is the mc still crossdressing as a girl? 😭 The author might as well made this manga with female mc at this point
If the twink isn't getting his ass handed to him next chapter and our MC interjects by asking him if he needs help, but then quickly corrects himself by apologizing and saying he should ask the twink's master, I'm gonna be upset.
The MC has been female for more chapters than he was male.
It's a pretty clear upgrade when you factor in the large boobs.
He's never going back to being male, just accept it.
well, that's one way to change the main characters gender if you suddenly feel like having a female one xD That said.... he looks better like that anyways.