Shoujo Junrei

Active member
May 26, 2019
this is one of the most bizarrely bad mangas I've read. When I read the first couple of chapters almost a year ago I thought it had a really interesting, novel plot. I knew there probably wasn't going to be much romance but the whole drama, the tension of the girl becoming real friends with a strong platonic love with her “goddess”, would be the meat and butter, if you will, of this series.

Boy, I was wrong. It devolves into the weirdest place I could imagine. And, scenes that would probably not make past the early drafts or be left as crazy, unrealistic dreams to pad out the story, were actually the real plot twists, the central part of the story.

In short, the absolute most contrived drama I've seen on a Japanese manga.

Who made this I just wanna talk
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2019
translation feels like they're trying to fill an essay word count requirement [2]

fortunately this is only the case for the first 15 chapters or so, the translator definitely improves over time and i commend them for that. but those first chapters are so difficult to read through that it's hard to recommend this to anyone. at first i thought it was simply a literal translation where they were conserving every word from the original Japanese text, but the Korean scan reads so much better. (for example, in the Korean scan one line is just "I'm sorry", but here they wrote it as "I apologize for declining your request." ...really.) since these translations do get better over time, i'm willing to think it was just the difference in translators and not the original text
Jan 19, 2018
Well at least it ended when it did and did not try to drag things out... so I guess that is one good point.
Feb 26, 2020
I had super high hopes on this, feels like 80% in the author lost their inspiration. I don't mind that it's platonic at all, I don't need it to be romance to be a good story and a fulfilling ending. There was some interesting world building that just ended up being completely lackluster and had zero follow through. Maybe if they were given another 2 volumes to hash things out it could have developed into something worthwhile?
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2019
Doesn't stick the landing.
Beginning and middle are good, but for stuff like this, reveal should be satisfying... And it's not.
Also, Shoujo Ai tag is nothing but bait.
Jan 18, 2019
That . . . happened.
It wasn't "bad" nor was it strictly "good."
I think what people are saying, mostly about it being a bit padded out is correct. Though if I was a conspiratorial soul, I would probably say that the original plan got thrown out in favor of a shorter new one.

Was it because of editorial meddling, or was it because the writer didn't have the energy/know-how to do a 100+ chapter manga with a out of left field twist? Who knows. It's fun if you're looking for a read though.
Apr 17, 2020
Average would be the best word i would use for this, not boring and do not regret reading each chapter... but that is all i got out of it especially with how it ended.. not boring... Average.

Thank you for sticking with it to the end and Very nice job on the translations etc 😄😄
Aggregator gang
Aug 4, 2019
This series ends with soooo many Chekhov's guns going unfired by the end of it. Like the author got really gunshy, but couldn't take back littering their plot with all these guns. Hopefully they make a sequel series where they let at least some of them go off. Especially the gay and CLAMPy ones the first half of the series is littered with.
May 19, 2023
i hope i could read this earlier but just like this manga i tried to fix my real life friendship back then. so reading this makes me feel more related to my friendship life.
such a great story in it, i love how character development fr. enjoyable, until it makes me forget it has shoujo ai tags.

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