This manga is a real mvp with its humor, character expressions and development. Fingers crossed this is not ending any time soon coz it is frigging amazing.
Omg this chapter, My heart, what is this feeling(?), every page, it just gives me this strange feeling in my chest, to my shoulder and upper arm down to my stomach and fingers..
Been a while since I last read this so shocked at the confession at the end. Hope it doesn't mean the series is ending in a few chapters as while I can't remember much, I have liked it and would like to give it a reread.
NO WAAAAAAYYY I got totally blindsided by that what the heck.. Traumatized by all the manga that keeps dragging things for 100 chapters before progress. THE HECK this is so cute
To be honest even if we're coming up on the end, I'm pretty satisfied with the length of this manga. These two idiots were so much fun to watch but I really do want them to confess and get lovey.
Is it gay? Yes. Double gay? Probably. Does it matter? Certainly not!