Shoukan sareta Kenja wa Isekai wo Yuku ~Saikyou nano wa Fuyou Zaiko no Item deshita~

Active member
May 3, 2020
casteryan, you probably wont read this, but i love you and wish the best for you. I pray you can find a good place and keep up the good work. THANK YOU AND PLEASE SURVIVE
Aug 25, 2020
First I'd like to say i hope everything gets better for you casteryan and then

UwU the government doesn't help you guys?

I already knew that Health Care was shit in U.S.A but to think that the government doesn't gives money to people who need it because the Covid hitted them hard
Dec 12, 2018
thank you for the scanlation,
and i hope you get better casteryan.
I'm gonna help you even tho it's not much mate..
Feb 10, 2019
I just don't understand these kind of manga. Make your MC powerful if you must but why was the setting of the world so much inferior to what the MC knew before hand? he got those fancy items like carriage or cakes from the game right? it just doesn't make sense that the world in that game doesn't know the same stuffs. They started off introducing the level cap as 999 but even the strong people in that world barely reaches 50 on their basic job. What's even the point of that? the author could've made their level in the range of hundreds or have advanced 2nd tier jobs and the MC would still overpower them since he power leveled like crazy.

The disconnect between the game world and the isekai world is just too jarring. If you're going to make the MC a priest then at least let him use only staffs/tomes and cast magic instead of a giant sword, making his job literally irrelevant. Perhaps I'm thinking too much but you know even other trash isekais tried to have some level of consistency (the better ones anyway).
Aug 17, 2020
@chaos86 the whole point is that even in a video game where you can revive reaching lvl 300 was amazing, however without revival how the hell would people even be able to reach lv 100. This is literally spelled out to the reader in the first few chapters.
Double-page supporter
Feb 10, 2018
Reading this make me feel like Im speed running through every classic Isekai tropes. Can’t say it is good nor bad tbh.
Jul 25, 2020
@4V29LN0n I agree. Most of it is generic garbage.
@chaos86 Gamers respawn, while normies don’t. Gamers grind tirelessly, while normies don’t. Also, MC is a meathead who was over level 700 as a berserker. Being a priest was a bad attempt to nerf him.
MC is like 35, reincarnates after reaching over level 700 in a game most people haven’t reached level 500, and has not an iota of skill in communication or common sense. He flails around and gets taken advantage of left and right by his beta Japanese archetype. There’s no law or justice since he gets dumped on. Even when someone tried stealing his horse, there was no mention of punishing the thief. When he pays RENT for his luxurious place at an outrageous sum instead of buying a cheaper home or some land, he has to pay property tax too? WTF? I wanted to drop just reading that.

If the horse didn’t support him, he’d find a knife through his throat considering how he flaunts around his wealth, and shows no initiative for self-preservation. Dumbass even got told storage was a rare skill and shows it off like nothing.
Feb 10, 2019
@Tragnove but it was never mentioned that the MC could revive? it's not like he was immortal. You'd think that in a game with level 999 cap, the exp gain would be rather quick but barely reaching level 50 after 40 something years is a bit too much don't you think? it's not even that they need to fight dungeon boss or anything. MC reached 100 just by killing regular goblins and orcs so it is possible. What separated MC and the common players is that he grind like crazy in order to reach lvl 700 but the regular players can easily get to level 300-400 as seen in the first chapter. Even our MC already managed to reach level 100 twice to change jobs each time, which brings me to the next point, his cheat ring that was supposed to be a common item distributed to beginners in order to catch up to higher level players. Why was he the only one in possession of this ring? it was a ring that existed in the game so logically the ring should've existed as a common item in the isekai too. Same goes for those ice creams, steaks, or whatever.

Feels like it makes more sense if MC trumps the regular adventurers in the isekai world due to his end game equipment, stored wealth, using his prior experience to distribute stats more wisely or maybe he could navigate harder dungeons/monsters. Now he's on track to be 10-20x stronger than even the strongest adventurer, who took 40+ years to reach not even a fraction of MC's powers while on a job 2 tiers below him as well.
Aug 17, 2020
@chaos86 When I said "revive" I'm talking about the game, to my knowledge he isn't able to revive in the isekai. The level system is definitely weird but the following part is again explained in the first chapters, he has the combat knowledge of a top rank player and can mimic abilities of the strongest warrior class with it. He is a priest using berserker combat style and high level gear as well as using an item that massively boosts xp gain. And no, just because an item existed in the game doesn't mean it exists in the isekai, that is a massive assumption, also he has the ring because he was a player and most players would get rid of it after its use ran out while they leveled (explained in the chapters). The point that players were able to reach 300-400 is because the ring stopped boosting exp gain at that level which made it extremely difficult to continue leveling.

I'm confused by your second paragraph... because that's exactly what he did, he has end game gear, he has top rank player knowledge and skill, and he uses them to get insanely strong very quickly.

To clarify, I recognize this is a cut and paste of so many other isekai but I'm pointing out the obvious misunderstanding of the first few chapters. A lot of this is spelt out in the first chapter or 2.
May 11, 2018
You can tell exactly what quality this manga is by the cover. It's drawn well, but clearly no two people would ever pose with swords like that unless they wanted to die.
Feb 10, 2019
@Tragnove That's why I said in the original comment that the difference is just too jarring. Usually in this genre, the isekai world retain the same properties to what was known to the MC before. Here it looks like he was transported to a world that's possibly centuries backwards in terms of world knowledge than the original game. I just don't see the point of doing that given that he could've maintained the same advantages if he had reincarnated to an exact copy of the game.

If the ring stopped giving advantage at 300-400 that would've been fine for the adventurers to have them too since we'd probably see the average adventurers around that level or maybe around 200-300. Even with that setting the MC would still have an advantage with his high end equipment, persistent grinding, as well as in-world knowledge that the average player probably won't have anyway. Here even the strongest adventurer can't pass 50 while the world's leading sage master has no knowledge of job change. I know that we can't expect much from trash isekais but this one is even more all over the place compared to other trashes that I can't help but rant.
Apr 14, 2019
That's why I said in the original comment that the difference is just too jarring. Usually in this genre, the isekai world retain the same properties to what was known to the MC before. Here it looks like he was transported to a world that's possibly centuries backwards in terms of world knowledge than the original game.
There are other iseka which do it this way, but better ones actually integrate it logically e.g. in the "game world" death is permanent which explains how progress is much slower & there may be various undiscovered things, inhabitants of the world can not take anywhere near the level of risk players take, making levelling and exploration significantly more complicated. They also don't have access to "meta resources" so information sharing is extremely limited, again making levelling and exploration more complicated, as well as information easier to lose.
Feb 12, 2019
Its okay. However -5 for the
stupid pointless sex scene that adds so much to the story and was definitely necessary for plot progression. So stupid...
Oct 1, 2019
stopped at ch.14 cuz the harem plot is too cringy. the mc is too dense, the female characters are stupid lol but i guess the half part before those female came to the plot is good enough.😗

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