Shounin Yuusha wa Isekai wo Gyuujiru! - Vol. 3 Ch. 11

Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2018
If the monster avoidance potions are actually weak poisons, it's probably not a bright idea to be spamming them like that and get long term exposure to poison for months/years?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Was that fight really necessary? Or rather like 30% of that fight? We probably could've jumped to the decapitation after the trap sprung without trees or anything.

I thought Maine knew the secret. Guess not.
Active member
Jan 17, 2018
A jumping downward strike like that is suboptimal with her strength, because it relies entirely on gravity. The best attack for her will always be an upward swing with her feet firmly on the ground to make the most of her strength.
Oct 10, 2018
I guess the ecosystem of the forest be damned. I see major increase in carnivores, thus a depletion of the herbivores in the area, and then a slow expansion of the forest boundaries.
Dec 7, 2018
What are they gonna do with the snake's body? I guess they're closer to the kingdom than the other countries so if they sell it there the people will know it's a bit safer to venture the forest, so they'd have to sell it somewhere else, but for that they have to go to an unknown country and make contacts while carrying the carcass through the forest. I mean, letting it rot is an option, but not a great one. . .
Double-page supporter
May 18, 2020
"i got transfered to another world and start destroying millions of years natural ecosystem"
Active member
Feb 24, 2020
Protect the most sensitive parts he says looking down, yet has nothing protecting his crotch.
Double-page supporter
Sep 28, 2018
It's amazing that the author goes into so much detail about inane unimportant stuff, but completely hand waves away major plot elements.

How long did it take to cultivate the potions (considering they were being chased I would guess a day at most).
How long did it take for him to create the traps after he cultivated the potions (again I would imagine a day at most which places us at 4 days since it was announced that assassins were after them, all in the same starting location)
How did they transport the trap, potions, and other items? I know he has a wagon, but they are seen walking through the forest with only a small package next to Maine, certainly that wasn't the extent of the items they brought with them. Did he learn teleportation or storage magic that we haven't heard anything about?
Ignoring that, if they are making their Headquaters in the forest, how exactly are they transporting their good to the store run by the former slaves? They didn't exactly setup a supply line or take any logistics into consideration at all. Not only that, but having a supply chain back to your HQ would make it extremely easy for an assassin to track you down. Considering how easily they tracked down Goldead, I'm surprised they were able to live for almost a week while acting in the most conspicuous manner possible while never leaving their original location.
Speaking of which, what about his hut and his garden of counterfeit coins and other illegal paraphernalia? Did he leave those to the slaves to start up his business? If so, then how is it that Maine is still not aware of his ability to endlessly duplicate items. Where does she think he's getting them all from if not from his garden of plenty?
Also regarding the garden, if he didn't leave it to the slaves and he didn't take the items with him, then how has no one else run into all of the random shit that he was growing back there. Again assassins were supposedly after them. It's not like they were hiding very effectively. How the hell is it that no one found them or the hut that they lived in during all that time.

The amount of missing details in this series is frankly amazing
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Too bad! I hoped for some tentacle action! 🤪


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