majority of chapter 1 it looks like he's plenty loved
... by women, yknow typical standard attractive PLI's (potential love interests, will this stick? i hope)
not a single male friend in sight and doesn't seem like there'll be any moving forward
the teacher is right and wrong
yeh people will judge by appearance
however... increasing your "kindness stat" (is that supposed to be zoomer energy?) won't do shit
at best you become a temporary exception to their biases
b/c if you do anything that can be misconstrued as thuggish all those people you spent your life pandering to to appease will turn on you in a heart beat, hence temporary exception.
//not to mention the minute you leave the school setting you're having encounters with people who will act and inconvenience you based on appearance before you even have the chance to give them the gud treatment
so what seems to be the premise of this manga is a bad joke, not getting into the weird crazy girl by the end of the chapter.
and to even get into how bad a joke the premise is you have to pretend like the scar is as bad as every character tells you it is
ch1 is a 4/10 at best and would be a 1, if not for my own bias for the art
//scanlation group nod while i personally may not read this, it was well done on your guys' part