@Lpopo4lyfe Yeah, I have no idea what is going on with the aunt, and the continuity between that chapter and this chapter is confusing as hell. I even reread the last one, and it still doesn't make sense.
I'm glad I'm not the only one confused by the quick shift in the story from ch 8 to ch 9.
Also question, is Jinta the biological son of crazy older sister from the first series or was he adopted by her, like from a branch family or something? Has that been clarified anywhere? Spoilers are fine.
@Dantrig They actually can't get married. Girls from this period in Japan had little in the way of rights. If she was in her mid-20s or something maybe it would be possible, but at her age it would be illegal for her to marry without her parent/guardian's permission. And her guardian isn't exactly going to give permission...
Well this feels like it's all over the place, first he's super mean sadist, then hangs with Tamako, now all knightly with Tokoyo and confesses?!
I hope later chapters pull this back together and explain some things because ???????????????
To all the people chocked about the sudden turn of events, in the 1st place he never stopped to love her. He changed this way because of some circumstances that will be revealed later on.