We are not sure if Zeus is really the strongest, certainly the strongest greek god, stronger than Poseidon, Heracles and Apollo, but Odin, Buda (how bizarre), Beelzebub, Anubis and Susanoo are complete mysteries.
If I had to guess (my preference really), the battles would be something like:
Apollo vs Simo Haya
Anubis vs Rasputin
Heracles vs Sakata
Shiva vs Raiden
Loki vs Qui Shi
Susanoo vs Leonidas
Bishamonten vs Jack the Ripper
Nostradamus vs Odin
Beelzebub vs Nikola Tesla
Buddha vs Okita
But I am also pretty sure half my picks are wrong snce the author will probably try andmake it as random (and cool) as possible