Well...damn. I always expected it was a "normal" accident that she lost her legs in but...this is beyond tragic.
I understand her mother wanting to show her just what the father will be doing, and having her understand things but...you really shouldn't bring a small child into a literal warzone with unexploded bombs...which you knew were a thing. The father was right in that they didnt need to be there.
Best intentions, dumbest decision.
Hopefully she doesnt blame Plise for this when is was her choice to bring her there, and both parents fault for not keeping an eye on a literal child.
But this makes me like Pilse more than I already did. To go through this and still perverse to walk, to go through this and still go to warzones later on to help others? Its, well, heroic af.
Most adults couldnt do that and heres a 16 year old doing all this after suffering so much, which means wasnt even all that long ago too.