@KrimzonHawka i think hyun's strategy revolves less around gunner and more around trying to get the girls to cut ties with gunner. fighting gunner at his game would just bring his level "down" to gunner's and the girls don't need another gunner. they need something better.
anna was easy to convert because she was only there for sophie. sophie was there because she actually liked gunner. the reason why we stuck with sophie for so long was because she was the only girl who actually established an emotional connection with gunner. one that gunner has been taking advantage of and very for granted. hyun had to really ensure to test her perception of gunner or she'd just associate the whole encounter with hyun as a coercion or whatever she needed to do mentally to still associate gunner positively. mia was there because she had a pseudo-agreement for protection. lina had a similar agreement but instead of a girlfriend, she is an "employee".
song is the only one i don't understand. from what i've seen she may just be weak to pushy guys. gunner is actually pretty good at reading people so he probably prodded her once and he capitalized on it. she probably just liked the sex since she seemed to have that flower on the mountain vibe so most guys probably left her alone. i don't think she was lying when she said she'd probably love hyun if given the chance since she still seems to retain her innocence but he was just too depressed and scared to reciprocate.
i think hyun is in a prime spot here since he's pretty much proven he's much better at sex than gunner but he's also got that nice guy quality that fulfills girls emotionally. i don't think gunner won't have any room once hyun meets her again.
mia still hasn't seemed to given up on gunner so i think this is where all the blue-balling comes into play. hyun is either trying to better himself to the point where he can solve all of mia's problems or he's trying to completely shatter the rest of her perception of gunner so she can give up on him.
what lina does here depends on whether or not she can rely on hyun instead of gunner or if lina is willing to go back and deal with her own issue, with or without hyun's help.