Silent War - Vol. 2 Ch. 91

Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
Ok not sure if I remember correctly but he lost his virginity to her right ? And they haven’t slept together in a while right? If so the he’s gonna rock her world 😎

Also lmao at gunner getting blue balled hard
Poor girl who’s gonna be in his sights unless he pays a hooker
Active member
Apr 29, 2018
@JKTV yes he not only lost his virginity to her she also taught him everything he knows about sex, and I don't think they have been doing it for a while at least not while he looked like that. so yes its gonna get heated 👺
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2020
Is this supposed to be the same day he had sex a dozen times with Sophie?
Did he return from the dead with superpowers? Was he replaced by a robot? This ain't normal.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019
well there you go. hyun didn't need to to anything. gunner fucked himself over and now she goes to the guy she feels safest with.

what'd i tell you about that nice guy quality that secures girls emotionally. mix that with chad dick energy and you basically got a visual novel ubermensch.

that leaves miss song next if we can assume the whole goal is mia.
May 27, 2020
This is really amazing, i didn't expect chapter this wholesome in that manhwa.
Few sweet chapters with Lina and next Ms. Song please.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
Wellll I don’t think she’s taught him everyyyiithing about sex, im pretty sure hes picked up on things from different women he banged. So I’m hoping he really really surprises her this time

@ninjazz agreed! He’s getting them all ez
Sep 22, 2018
@ninjazz Well tbf Hyun has directly or indirectly been blue balling Gunner since Season 1 ended which is what drove him bonkers and led to such a stupid move by the latter. Between Hyun's drowning putting Mia off or his talk with Ms. Song (and losing her money in bets) and now all his actions in Season 2 he really has been the cause behind all the ladies cutting Gunner off now, so we have to give Hyun's strategy credit for working out so well in this case ;)
Dex-chan lover
Sep 22, 2018
Oh sweet sweet Lina, He bout to beat beat her 'tweena'. I mean, he JUST had sex with Sophie at least 3 times (that we can count on the pages but probably more) so he will probably NOT bust for a while if at all. On top of all that he got that comfort game down with the big cha'D' energy and well, she bout to bust ... HARD.

I'm kinda glad that she got away because if Gunner had caught her then 'rape' would be the least of her worries. Well, technically she wouldn't have any more worries since she would be dead right now. Then again as blue as Gunner's balls are right now he would probably fuck the corpse.

The Chadification of Hyun continues ... Next Stop ... "Let me show you how much I've leveled up, on the way you'll bust 10 nuts" ... LMAO
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2019
@KrimzonHawka i mean he tried the direct approach by asking her to stop being a prostitute and it resulted him having to back off for a while and focus on sophie.

i'm trying to say don't be like gunner and keep attacking. be like hyun and let the enemy doom themselves.
Oct 15, 2018
Ehmm.... sorry but you shouldn't support this group with patreon. They are profiting off a real creators work this way. They are just a fan group doing this in their spare time, you don't support the actual artist of this manwha by becoming this scan group's patreon. Just fyi.

But thanks for bringing this to MD!

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