As someone who's learned Ancient Greek for many years, I've got to cry out at this.
That's what is written as "Synetairis" is composed of the prefix "syn", meaning together/with, and the word "hetairos", which means fellow/comrade, it does not mean friend. The word for friend is "philos", so the word "synetairis" would translate as "camaraderie", not friendship.
But it gets even worse since the female version of hetairos, "hetaira" was used for female prostitutes, who differed from the normal prostitues (pornai) in the way they worked; they were usually well-versed and able to play instruments to entertain the men they laid down with on their klinai(similar to our sofas, but usually made from solid material like rock) during a synposion;
they were entertainers, while pornai just existed to fornicate.
So synetairis would probably translate accurately as "escort fellowship".
Next is Astragaloi. They are called astragaloi, because they are star-shaped, and as you might know, the only star-shaped bones in our bodies are located in the spine.
In fact, there is a vertebra in our body called Astragalus, it's the first vertebra of our spine, directly linking our spine to our skull.
So,they are playing with vertebrae, not with knuckle bones.
Also, what's with that aristos = recious? The word aristos means "the best", it's part of the word "aristocracy" that we all know, which was part of the three forms of government proclaimed by Herodotus in his dialogue on this subject between Otanes,Megabyzos and Dareios.
It's also one of the three forms of true government listed by Aristotle in his work "Politics".