I'm enjoying the series but I have to confess I don't really understand what's the business between Mitsumi and Shima. I thought that if I'd soldier through a few chapters it would finally shine some light about the whole situation. But I'm more confused than ever.
Shima has adapted to others his entire life, to the point that he forgot to learn what he feels and what could those feelings mean.
He agreed to date out of his passivity, agreed to break up out of it, and now is learning that actually, there ARE things he wants and even more so, he is willing to figure the associated issues just to get it (love is icky, theater=mom=bad)
As applicable to Mitsumi, she decided to break up strictly out of earnestness and still crushes on Shima, but also treats him like a friend 'cause she cherishes him. Shima noticed it and suddenly 'BEST GIRL ALERT' started pounding in his head, but he's awkward about it (as in, not fully gets it as per the first paragrpaph)