Worried that she wants her to return home and control her every action? Nah, pretty sure she's the equivalent of a helicopter parent in this universe.I like her. She was just worried about her sister in her own way.
Such politeness. He knows that holding grudges is bad manners.And Slime continues to be such a good boy. Even when totally disgruntled with her he still remembers his manners and thanks her for the tome.
Yeah, too controlling. At the most it does come from genuine concern, but it's a bit overbearing.Nah, pretty sure she's the equivalent of a helicopter parent in this universe.
Same. I was expecting someone to say something like: "Star Platinum: The World, MK 2!" or even just an obligatory "Zaaa Waaaruuudo!"i'm disappointed that there isn't comment about "jojo reference" yet